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Opinion | Initiated by Xi and Macron, Summer Olympics in Paris is for world peace

The last time President Xi Jinping went to Paris, France starting his three-nation visits to Europe, he suggested to Macron, the French president and both agreed that there should be peace, meaning no wars – during the World Olympics in Paris, if my memory serves me right. One good turn leads to another. Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah signed a declaration in Beijing on ending a yearslong rift, Chinese state media said on Tuesday, July 23.

Opinion | France's China engagement will lead Europe in its 'rebel' with a noble cause

With Biden now announcing that he's quitting, according to Hong Kong TVB today, a Trump win is more likely than ever.

Opinion | Why can't Kamala Harris bring Trump to trial of century in American history?

For all his sins against the American people, especially the poor pretty women whom Donald J. Trump had allegedly molested, he was miraculously "graced" by a silver bullet when it glazed through the edge of his right ear. And a self-conceited and self-congratulated Trump concluded that he had beaten Joe Biden. Case closed?

Opinion | To regain greatness – Britain needs a Brexit from the U.S.

Starting with the fall of Scott Morison, who felt from grace as a result listening to Joe Biden's anti-China pitch, which is the beginning of the worst of times for Australia and America. But now may be the best time for Britain...

Opinion | Who shot Trump? Or this is evidential of America's gun violence

This is the question people are asking. However, first things first: Trump would like the American voters to believe that he was shot, there and then, thereby getting popular sympathy votes as he did look bloody but defying, showing his fighting character. This is Trump at work, again!

Opinion | Speaking to power, Jeffrey Sachs is conscience of United States of America

I said China should invite solid scholars like Sachs to its colleges and universities to deliver speeches, as his spoken language is essentially good English, which is simple, direct, and daring.

Opinion | Xi: world leaders must help Russia and Ukraine resume direct dialogue

Washington is sending shock waves to the world out there: President Xi Jinping in China feels the tremor and shares his feelings with Victor Orban, the Prime Minister of Hungary who's currently visiting Beijing for talks before heading to the U.S. What has Orban in mind? As the chair for the European Union this year, Orban is harping on Xi's 6-point peace plan, putting an end to the Russia-Ukraine war which is now expected to hurt Europe economically – if it continues to be misguided by Biden, who is currently fighting a war of his own with an enemy within.

Opinion | Leaders of China, Russia attend Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit, that's stabilizing Central Asia

The naming of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) may have nothing to do with the shaming of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).  Over the past two decades and more, since it was founded, however, the growth and development of SCO is quietly shaming NATO, which was originally meant for peacekeeping in Europe, where WWII was ferociously fought and won.

Opinion | Is Biden a downgraded politician?

Wen Tian-Xiang, the last Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty, undisputedly recognized as the "soul of China" once said, "In times of great adversity, the caliber of a person as a politician, or a statesman will become clear (meaning how he has honestly, courageously and consistently responded to situations,) resulting in his name being recorded in the annals of national history."

Opinion | Leader of Poland visits China – What's on the radar

Long ago, in ancient China in the age of the Warring States, Mencius the sage paid King Liang Hui a visit. "Old sage, you've come a long way. What benefits have you brought my state?" asked the King anxiously. Mencius wisely quipped, "Oh King, why talk about interests and benefits? There are human-heartedness and righteousness, in short morality to talk about…" This dialogue sums up China's philosophy, now practices by Xi Jinping.

Opinion | Is China on the right side of history

The wheel of history will always be on the move no matter which country is at the helm. Since WWII, the United States has been leading for a good start such as finishing off Fascism in Europe and Japanese Imperialism in Asia.

Opinion | Through China's widebody C929 jet development world can share its grand vision

China now harbors the vision of tapping into Asia's new middle class for a brighter future. Bernard Chan, the former Convener of the Executive Council said: "Our connectivity, stable political environment, effective governance and rule of law give us the tools to take advantage of the economic opportunities in the region," he once wrote in the SCMP.

Opinion | Why must Marcos be as mad as a red bull?

Two months ago, my wife and I farewelled Jessy, a janitor who was cleaning garbage in our building; a week ago, I met a guy also from the Philippines, working as a cleaner in the newly renovated Red Market, a historic local landmark; and, we are now waiting to meet Mario's daughter, who is attending Fukien University, and will be here in Macau to be with her parents, who are also Filipinos working in Macau.

Opinion | Instigated by US, it's Philippine's military moves that have angered China

What is Joe Biden like, unlike Donald Trump? The more closely you study him, the better you get to understand him and his strategy: He's far more sophisticated and rational than his rival Donald Trump, the former president. On leadership, Biden triumphs over Trump in leading NATO, hence the European Union. By hijacking NATO, which under U.S. stewardship, Biden is fighting a proxy war – bolstering up Ukraine, fighting against Russia, which is out to stop the U.S.' eastward encroachment and expansion plan.

Opinion | Pansy Ho opens 'Legends of Chivalry' Exhibition with Ren Zhe

It all looks like that the untimely passing of tycoon Stanley Ho has not dented the family's fame and fortune; for, Pansy Ho, the dynamic daughter of the flamboyant Mr. Ho, has been quietly working her way not just into the great gaming enterprise left behind by her dear Dad, who was known far and wide by most of the Chinese people in Macau, Hong Kong and mainland China as the "King of Casinos".
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