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Henry's Take EP10 | Finnish President: Europe should reflect and respect differences of other countries

Finnish President Alexander Stubb recently argued that the era of Western dominance is waning, urging Western nations to adopt a values-based foreign policy and global cooperation.

Henry's Take EP9 | China's enduring commitment to Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

This episode of Henry's Take will explore China's adherence to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, which mark their 70th anniversary this year. As President Xi Jinping highlighted, these principles have guided China's diplomatic relations with countries of different social systems, emphasizing mutual respect, non-aggression, non-interference, equality, and peaceful coexistence.

Henry's Take EP8 | Selection and training of Chinese cadres: Governance experience comes first

Welcome to Henry's Take! Henry's Take will take you to the world of Western media and rebut some misunderstandings, biases, or false accusations.

Henry's Take EP7 | Free economy, judicial independence and vibrant lifestyle: HK continues to further successes

Hong Kong marks its 27th anniversary of reunification with the Mainland on July 1 this year. In the past, some Western media and commentators have made doomsaying arguments on Hong Kong's development. In reality, Hong Kong has bright development and prospects by giving full play to the advantages of the principle of "One Country, Two Systems", which preserves the city's open economy and independent judiciary.

Henry's Take EP6 | 'One person, one vote' but no real choices: The troubling reality of UK democracy

The world is closely watching the UK general election to be held on July 4. However, the UK government has accused Hong Kong's electoral system undemocratic, but is the British democracy working well? Not really. The British political system is seriously flawed and it no longer stands as a model of democracy.

Henry's Take EP5 | 'Judicial independence' or 'excuse-dependence'? US lacks of stomach on legal issues

Welcome to Henry's Take! Henry's Take will take you to the world of Western media and rebut some misunderstandings, biases or false accusations. Some Western governments and media have kept accusing Hong Kong lack of judicial independence. Do American judges really hand down rulings independently? Not really.

Henry's Take EP4 | Reap what one has sown: Tariff hikes silently poison Americans

Recently, Joe Biden's administration has unveiled to raise tariffs against China's electric vehicles, lithium batteries and others. Will the tariffs save the American electric vehicle industry and protect US workers' jobs? The answer is obviously NOT.

Henry's Take EP3 | Property market in China takes a turn for the better as policies take effect

Welcome to Henry's Take! Our new guest anchor Dr. Henry Ho takes you to the world of Western media and rebuts some misunderstandings, biases, or false accusations under their narratives.

Henry's Take EP2 | Call for ceasefire: China has always taken a path of peaceful development

Welcome to our new English program Henry's Take, where our guest anchor Dr Henry Ho takes you to the world of Western media and rebuts some misunderstandings, biases, or false accusations under their narratives. Some Western media have once and again accused China of being aggressive in many areas, while China has just always been a peacemaker who strives to build a community of shared future for mankind. President Xi Jinping's recent advocacy for a ceasefire during the Paris Olympics is a vivid example of how China has unwaveringly stuck with its peaceful development path.

Henry's Take EP1 | Overcapacity? Emerging green industry in China says no

Welcome to our brand-new English program Henry's Take! Our host Dr Henry Ho will take you to the world of Western media and rebut some misunderstandings, biases, or false accusations. The word 'overcapacity' has been used by Western forces to describe China's current situation. Nevertheless, with the development of EVs, renewable energy and other technical products, China is committed to a green, healthy and sustainable overall development with an open attitude. The goal of curbing China's development will not succeed and the world will pay a heavy price for it.
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