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Opinion | Why can't Kamala Harris bring Trump to trial of century in American history?
Augustus K. Yeung
2024.07.23 13:17

By Augustus K. Yeung

For all his sins against the American people, especially the poor pretty women whom Donald J. Trump had allegedly molested, he was miraculously "graced" by a silver bullet when it glazed through the edge of his right ear. And a self-conceited and self-congratulated Trump concluded that he had beaten Joe Biden. Case closed?

But Kamala Harris can bring Donald Trump, a huff-puffing "color-wolf" to America's trial of the century. Why can't Kamala?!

Kamala Harris cannot make a comeback for the regal American president Joe Biden, by wisely not assuming the air of a presidential candidate, but as an impartial judge putting Trump on public trial instead of just a New York state court of law; not being gentle to a beast, or a crime boss, but as a natural beauty whom women in general stand for in New York, Paris or Shanghai only to be trashed by Trump; not as a quiet Vice-president humbled and overshadowed by Biden's presence, but as the next President of the United States.

Making an official visit to Europe may give Kamala Harris the image of a new generation of American women world leader ready to lead in a divided European community that badly needs a new style of democratic and multilateral leadership.

Winning strategies and synergies (a winning combination) may catch Trump by surprise, keep him off guard, or even frighten him as he has been portraying himself as a victim, playing prey to Biden's "political persecutions", appealing to weak-minded Americans for Trump-style justice. How phony!

Now, in the opening stage, Kamala can make a high-sounding speech in grand Shakespearean style, "I have come not to lament Joe Biden's loss of the presidential race, but to confront America's No.1criminal of the century – based on felony counts in Federal courts of law, judicially cross-examine him, and finish Trump off right on stage – in front of the American public, turning Trump's desired "presidential debates" into America's sum total trial of the century.

Public road shows are what Trump's good at. Give the man an alternative that he can't refuse. For example, Kamala Harris only must re-enact the roles that she had had to play – before becoming the U.S. V-P, and that's enough to embarrass, to confront, and to judge Trump on a stage broadcast to America and to the world-as a-stage. How can Trump lie? Where can Trump hide? Who can judge Trump other than a Black woman Attorney General, daughter to the Jamaican immigrant parents?

To come to think of it, America is said to be "A champion of the underdog", or is it? That's for the American voters to show and tell the world.

Now that a "victorious" Trump returning to quench his thirst for the glamor of the White House and to grab power for his personal dubious purpose, will Kamala Harris, the underdog get a fair assessment, or even an attentive ear? That's for the American voters to decide.

It is a world in chaos out there. Will American voters send a demon like Donald Trump to the pinnacle of power, to lead America's allies in Asia and Europe, and to attend NATO summits, or making a speech in the United Nations? That is for the Black voters and women voters to pick, choose and exercise the power of democracy, or otherwise risk domestic tyranny and world-wide mockery.

To conclude, although Kamala cannot help Joe Biden to say, "No to aging," she can dump Donald Trump into the dustbin of history. She can comfort the loneliness of Steve Bannon by sending him his former boss and together they can keep each other in bad company, and rot together in a state penitentiary day in and day out for a long time.

Given the national context of historic proportion, such a Black woman (who has an impeccable report card) can address the plights of the American poor, placing the unattended and uncared for people from California to New York parks, or outside supermarkets, etc.

A "Black like me" Kamala can bring rescue, pride and prestige to the neglected and underemployed Black people who have lost their basic security and human dignity living under the grand U.S. poverty line.

Sending economically impoverished fellow Americans warm blankets in preparation for the cold North American winter, and fat blank cheques is better than sending horrible bombs to Ukraine – to kill the innocent civilians and to destroy their towns and cities… It is better than financing the usual Pentagon warlords who have long since monopolized and gobbled up the lion's share, or the biggest of the nation's budget.

Perhaps, Kamala Harris can stop an American war-machine on a scale larger than Jamaica. But the greatest task that Kamala Harris can certainly contribute to America by not giving Donald Trump a Jamaican farewell – but sending him to a prison as dark, chilly and filthy as the infamous Guantanamo Bay where America's war prisoners from the impoverished third world countries are illegally and infamously kept.

Finally – under the leadership of Kamala Harris – women as an opposite sex can bring justice to America by focusing on the plights of poor young women.

Kamala can upgrade their tertiary education as she has remarkably done for herself. Kamala can see to it that justice is done, first in America by defeating Donald Trump, an established "Male Chauvinist Pig" (MCP). Kamala can send him into oblivion – thereby, cleaning and greening America and usher in a brave new world for the betterment of women waiting in the wings.


The views do not necessarily reflect those of DotDotNews.

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Tag:·Augustus K. Yeung·Kamala Harris·Trump·US·Joe Biden


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