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Finance Spotlight | Experts: 'More-than-expected policies' should be launched to stimulate domestic consumption

According to the data released by the mainland earlier, the GDP in the first half of the year grew by 5% year-on-year, which is in line with the overall forecast. However, from the breakdown of the data, the economic growth in the first half of the year is mainly due to the export of more than expected performance, while the domestic demand has not seen a significant recovery, and even slowed down in some areas.

DDN Business Insider | Stimulating growth: Experts analyze impact of 3rd Plenary Session's Resolution on the Mainland and HK economies

The third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee was held in Beijing from July 15th to 18th. The session made systematic deployment for Further Deepening Reform Comprehensively. What impact will the third plenary session have on the future economic development of the Mainland and Hong Kong? Let's take a look.

66,734 local companies newly registered during first half of 2024

A total of 66,734 local companies were newly registered during the first half of 2024, according to the statistics released by the Companies Registry today (July 19). As at the end of June this year, the total number of local companies registered under the Companies Ordinance reached 1,440,935, which is an all-time high figure.

From skepticism to awe: How China's tourism transformation is winning over foreign visitors

China ranks eighth among the top 10 countries for travel and tourism.

PayMe to introduce 1.2% fee for top-ups using non-HSBC credit cards starting Aug.19

HSBC's PayMe announced today (July 16) that starting August 19, a 1.2% fee will be charged for top-ups using non-HSBC credit cards. For example, if you top up HKD100, PayMe will charge a fee of HKD1.2. Top-ups using HSBC credit cards or any bank account will remain free of charge.

DDN Business Insider | Intensification of reform: How will CPC's 3rd plenary session stimulate new momentum in China's economy?

The meeting will focus on "further comprehensively deepening reform and advancing Chinese modernization", which has attracted much attention both in China and abroad. What impact will the meeting bring to the market? Regarding this topic, we have invited Dong Shaopeng, China Stock Market Policy Expert and Senior Researcher from the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at the Renmin University of China, and Yu Fenghui, economist, expert of the Top 100 Hong Kong Listed Companies Research Center, and new finance expert, to bring their comments and analysis.

HK's business community bullish on Greater Bay Area, Hainan FTP synergy

A delegation of consular corps and business communities in Hong Kong has just concluded a five-day Hainan visit, eyeing further collaboration between the two dynamic export hubs of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) and the Hainan Free Trade Port (FTP).

HKMA and SFC welcome PBoC's move to support offshore investors using Mainland bonds as collateral

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) welcome the announcement of the People's Bank of China (PBoC) today (July 9) to support offshore investors to use onshore bonds issued by the Ministry of Finance and policy banks on the Mainland and held under Northbound Bond Connect as margin collateral for Northbound Swap Connect transactions.

Christopher Hui: Review of HK stock lot size needs step-by-step approach

The government has been advocating the promotion of stock market liquidity in recent years. In a recent media interview today (July 8), the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Christopher Hui, said he is aware of the market's call for a review of Hong Kong's stock lot sizes, but believes that it needs to be done step by step.

FS highlights HK's economic stability and optimistic outlook

Hong Kong Financial Secretary Paul Chan has stated that Hong Kong's economy has been stable in recent years.

China, Singapore to strengthen bilateral digital cooperation

China and Singapore have vowed to deepen digital cooperation, as highlighted by the inaugural meeting of a bilateral digital policy dialogue mechanism.

Algernon Yau: US and EU chambers view HK's business environment positively

Hong Kong's Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Algernon Yau, revealed on a radio program that the government has attracted 640 companies over the past 17 months, bringing approximately HKD 80 billion in investments and creating around 7,000 jobs.

DDN Bussiness Insider | STAR Market reform takes flight: CSRC unveils eight measures to boost technology innovation and industrial upgrading

At last week's Lujiazui Forum in Shanghai, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) Chairman Wu Qing announced that the CSRC will issue eight measures to deepen the reform of the STAR Market. The release of the "Eight Measures for STAR Market" marks a new stage in the reform of the STAR Market. Ren Libo, founder and president of Beijing Yuanda Investment Co., Ltd. and a well-known investor, believes that the "Eight Measures for STAR Market" will help drive technological innovation and industrial upgrading and

Sun Dong: Govt to enhance efficient collaboration among govt, industry, academic, research and investment sectors

Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry Sun Dong stated today (June 13) at the listing ceremony of XtalPi that the Hong Kong government will further enhance efficient collaboration among government, industry, academic, research, and investment sectors to help more enterprises develop in the city.

Finance Spotlight | Expert warns about short-term investment risk as shipping sector's stock continues to fall

The shipping and port sectors of Hong Kong stocks continued yesterday's downward trend, experiencing a collective fall this morning (June 12).
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