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Opinion | Is Kamala Harris the answer? Not if you hear her cackle

The inevitable has happened. Biden has quit the race cold turkey, calling off his re-election campaign, and quickly offering his blessing to his Vice President. Now all eyes are on Kamala Harris to ward off the Trump menace. She will need a ton of luck and political smarts to become the first woman of color to occupy the Oval Office.

Opinion | France's China engagement will lead Europe in its 'rebel' with a noble cause

With Biden now announcing that he's quitting, according to Hong Kong TVB today, a Trump win is more likely than ever.

Opinion | Why can't Kamala Harris bring Trump to trial of century in American history?

For all his sins against the American people, especially the poor pretty women whom Donald J. Trump had allegedly molested, he was miraculously "graced" by a silver bullet when it glazed through the edge of his right ear. And a self-conceited and self-congratulated Trump concluded that he had beaten Joe Biden. Case closed?

Opinion | Life goes on in Hong Kong

On Monday night I landed in Hong Kong for a trip. I'm a nostalgic person so even as I visit new places, I also gain a great deal of value and sentiment out of visiting places that I feel emotionally attached to and of significance in my life. It will soon be 9 years since I lived in Hong Kong as an exchange student at HKU. The city has changed tremendously in some aspects since that time, especially if you only go by the mainstream media.

Opinion | Another twist of fate in the saga of the 2024 US election

Joe Biden has quit the race for the US Presidential election. Finally succumbing to widespread concerns about his age and mental capacity, the President has announced he will step aside for the Democratic nomination and finish his term gracefully. Biden, at 82 years old, is already the oldest president in history and his reputation did not recover from his car crash of a performance at the Presidential debate.

Opinion | Hypocrisy comes to Hong Kong, home-delivered by the Wall Street Journal

Things have come full circle. The powerful American newspaper Wall Street Journal, touted as a defender of the rights of journalists has just delivered a one-two punch to one of its haloed Hong Kong employees, Selina Cheng, who covered the car and energy sectors in mainland China. Cheng was fired, not for incompetence or conduct unbecoming a reporter, but for, of all things, being elected chair of the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA). In an instant, her star power fizzled out.

Opinion | Starmer should develop balanced strategy

On June 13, when the UK Labour Party issued its manifesto for the general election on July 4, its focus was domestic issues. This was understandable, as elections are won and lost on bread-and-butter issues. There were, however, some references to foreign policy, albeit nothing too beefy. Signed by the Labour Party leader (now prime minister), Sir Keir Starmer, the manifesto committed the party to working with the US, supporting NATO, enhancing the AUKUS pact, and backing Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, so no surprises there.

Opinion | To regain greatness – Britain needs a Brexit from the U.S.

Starting with the fall of Scott Morison, who felt from grace as a result listening to Joe Biden's anti-China pitch, which is the beginning of the worst of times for Australia and America. But now may be the best time for Britain...

Opinion | In a world turned upside down—Is God listening?

As the shots rang out at Trump's rally, he faltered but did not fall. And now, with his nine lives, Trump claims his victory is divinely pre-ordained. No sooner had the bullets hit the wrong targets than US Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene took to her megaphone to tell the world that it is God's hand that has saved Trump's life.

Opinion | How will Chinese enterprises going abroad navigate new challenges

It is the third year for Mr. Cai Jianwen working in Fort Lauderdale, a coastal city located in the U.S. state of Florida, He is the deputy General manager of a high-tech company listed in China Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Before joining Sinocare, he has five years of experience managing environmental companies in Germany and Sweden. His career path mirrors the journey of many Chinese enterprises venturing abroad.

Opinion | Does J.D Vance mean anything for US foreign policy, not so much

On the first day of the Republican National Convention in Wisconsin, Donald Trump, fresh off the wheels from an attempt on his life, appointed Ohio Senator J.D Vance as his running mate to be Vice President. Vance, soon turning 40, is seen as an interesting choice because he was once upon a time a "Never Trumper", a category of Republican who would under no circumstances support Donald in the 2016 general election. Despite this, Vance has since become an economic populist which is closely affiliated with Trump's positions.

Opinion | Who shot Trump? Or this is evidential of America's gun violence

This is the question people are asking. However, first things first: Trump would like the American voters to believe that he was shot, there and then, thereby getting popular sympathy votes as he did look bloody but defying, showing his fighting character. This is Trump at work, again!

Opinion | Donald Trump, a man who seizes the moment

The world has been rocked by an attempted assassination of Donald Trump. The former President, running again by office, was targeted by a 20-year-old man while undertaking a rally in Pennsylvania, later revealed as Thomas Matthew Crooks, his motivations are not yet known. By a stroke of sheer luck, Crooks missed his target by a mere inch and grazed Trump by the ear, instead killing a member of the audience.

Opinion | Speaking to power, Jeffrey Sachs is conscience of United States of America

I said China should invite solid scholars like Sachs to its colleges and universities to deliver speeches, as his spoken language is essentially good English, which is simple, direct, and daring.

Opinion | Trump was shot, Biden is toast, the world should worry

The assassin's bullet failed to neutralize America's curse. Instead, it has all but sealed his electoral victory.
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