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Opinion | Trump as a spent force VS Harris, a Black feminine snowball
Augustus K. Yeung
2024.07.30 14:25

By Augustus K. Yeung

Starting Wednesday, July 24, it took me one-day-short of a week to keep track of the development since Trump's assassination attempt. The search for a trend is now ready and nearly complete.

The following quotation, too, supports the theme of this article. "The evil can never beat the righteous," a Chinese idiom says.  Trump is proven evil, unimaginable and unforgivable.

Now that Biden has stepped aside, nominating Kamala Harris, a Black woman as the preferential pick, (pitching Harris against Trump), the president has made his archrival America's oldest and alienating candidate – and his partner, an "alien' to the former president.

Kamala Harris is reasonably unknown in Washington as Biden is the most powerful man, not the V-P; most people do not know much about Kamala Harris. This focus will shift.

After Biden announced that he would step down, in a matter of minutes, I witnessed the internet being flooded with information about Biden's Vice-President. And there's more positive news coming in as the hungry folks keep being fed by the mass media. Just think of the implications!

Now, less than a week later, more people the world over want to know more about this wonder woman: Kamala Harris was a California prosecutor, a U.S Senator, and is currently the Vice-President, and a presidential candidate hand-picked by Biden, the U.S. President who still commands great respect and affection, although they are leaving him for "age-related" reasons.

Hollywood leading actor George Cooney is a case in point. These "loyal" followers are now transferring their allegiance to his V-P. Now that's a formidable force and a source of financial support for Kamala Harris!

Biden is himself an additional force working against Trump from the White House, creating synergy – whereas Trump and Vance, his partner are not showing sign of renewal and renewable energy. It is fast becoming a spent force.

The drama of a "sleepy" Joe being beaten by a boxing "bully blond" Donald is now game over. But there enters Kamala Harris, Black-and-woman, who stands to gain more votes from the sectarian-and-gender Americans. Together this Black and woman combination will form an additional formidable social force. And so, the battle between the two parties is amazingly turning table.

As time goes by, what we can logically deduce is that the "Swing States" that smeared Joe Biden for his stance on Israel is no longer a threat to the Democratic Party, whose candidate President Biden has announced that he would be stepping down, clearing the way for Kamala thereby cancelling off the angry protesters' negative effects that the party must worry about. And chances are these swing forces can be engineered and diverted to supporting her candidacy.

The Michigan Missouri state swing from anti- to pro- the Democratic Party is statistically significant. And when translated into votes, the number is enough to throw Donald Trump off his balance, and off the tally board before the ballots are counted.

To temporarily conclude, as the world awaits, Kamala Harris and her stances on major issues are becoming shared, she stands a good chance of beating Donald Trump.

Presidential candidate Kamala Harris can and should assume the role and keep on playing – the prosecutor role, keep cross-examining Donald the devil-in-disguise, an "evil" element on stage, and NOT debating him as an opponent presidential candidate.

As the foregone Chinese idiom predicts, Trump would cow from bullying Harris, or bowl out on stage. And Donald the usual bully will back down, down to his definitive defeat. And be dumped by American history.

The ultimate verdict? A decent Black American woman prosecutor can confidently beat a big "pseudo-business" bully, Donald Trump, who also brings fears to America's key allies in Europe and Asia.

To be fair to Donald Trump, he does have his strengths: For example, his rise to power has coincided with the rise of the valuation of the U.S. stock market. Once, the Hong Kong Hang Seng Index and its U.S. counterpart were nearly equal for quite some time. But the Trump factor may have tempered and made the difference.

Joe Biden, too, has done the impossible: He might have stepped aside, nominating Kamala Harris, but his insistence on supporting her, and his call for national unity (hinting that Trump, too, should stop tearing American society apart), have helped to present an unexpected challenge to the Republican Party, which is supporting Trump, who can only politically lead America into oblivion.

Profiling Kamala Harris, she is looking healthy, relatively young, vivacious and smear-free. Her new arrival as possibly the next U.S. president is becoming a welcomed news to America, which has always kept a soft spot in the nation's heart for a maverick. Following this logic, Harris presents herself as a plus for her party – which might very well bounce back to life and beat Trump. He is one who is old, vulgar and a convicted felon.

Then again there is this new factor in the power equation: Kamala Harris and her running mate. The picking of a partner can now only add a sense of novelty and political enthusiasm or strength and won't be much of a significant setback to her campaign – which is expected to pick up momentum as time goes by. This is my prediction.

According to the latest news, the campaign, which announced its latest fundraising total on Sunday, July 28, said the bulk of the donations – 66% -- comes from first-time contributors in the 2024 election cycle and were made after President Biden announced his exit from the race and endorsed Harris.

The fundraiser had originally been expected to raise $400,000 but ended up bringing in about $1.4 million, according to the campaign.

In addition, over 170,000 volunteers have also signed up to help the Harris campaign with phone banking, canvassing and other efforts.

"The momentum and energy for Vice President is real…" Michael Tyler, the campaign's communications director, wrote enthusiastically in a memo.


The views do not necessarily reflect those of DotDotNews.

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Opinion | France's China engagement will lead Europe in its 'rebel' with a noble cause

Opinion | Why can't Kamala Harris bring Trump to trial of century in American history?

Opinion | To regain greatness – Britain needs a Brexit from the U.S.

Tag:·Augustus K. Yeung·Trump·Harris·Biden·US


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