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Regal Oriental Hotel approved for Youth Hostel, offering up to 160 beds
Hong Kong
2024.10.23 12:43

The Home and Youth Affairs Bureau (HYAB) today (Oct. 23) approved the Yan Oi Tong Limited for its fifth project under the subsidy scheme for converting hotels into Youth Hotels.

The fifth youth hostel project approved under the Subsidy Scheme is located in the Regal Oriental Hotel, with 80 rooms, providing up to 160 hostel places. The project, which is named "YOT Hub", will be launched by Yan Oi Tong Limited and the Regal Hotels Group. One of the project's features is to help youth tenants enrich their understanding of national development opportunities through training, exchange programs, and internship programs.

It will also provide young people with self-enhancement and support services in different aspects, such as financial management courses, career development workshops, and mental health seminars. In addition, Yan Oi Tong Limited will form a youth service team and invite young people to collaborate in organizing community activities. Volunteer services will also be arranged regularly to encourage young people to contribute to the community and establish their sense of belonging to society and responsibility.

A spokesperson of the HYAB said, "YOT Hub is well connected by public transport with comprehensive community facilities in the vicinity. This project provides young people with a comfortable living environment and enables them to broaden their horizons and achieve their personal development goals through various self-enhancement activities."

Details about the Subsidy Scheme, including the guidelines for application and the application forms, have been uploaded to the HYAB website. Relevant organizations can submit their applications to the HYAB by post, email, or other means.


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Tag:·Home and Youth Affairs Bureau· YOT Hub· self-enhancement· Youth Hotels· Regal Oriental Hotel· HYAB· Yan Oi Tong Limited


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