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Policy Address 2024 | Working group on developing tourist hotspots to hold 1st meeting next month: Cheuk Wing-hing
Hong Kong
2024.10.20 11:42
Cheuk stated on a radio program that the working group will involve at least seven policy bureaux and will hold its first meeting next month. (File Photo)

Chief Executive John Lee released his third policy address during his term, proposing the establishment of a working group on developing tourist hotspots led by Cheuk Wing-hing, Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration.

Cheuk stated on a radio program that the working group will involve at least seven policy bureaux and will hold its first meeting next month. They hope to set short-term goals, including the creation of tourism hotspots.

He mentioned that the working group will focus on various tourism resources in Hong Kong, such as food, film and television, and islands, to develop new tourism projects and attractions, like food night markets.

He emphasized that it's not just about government funding. If there are suitable resources from the private sector, the government will also consider utilizing them.He believes that the government will strive to create good policies and an enabling environment, while the industry must actively seek change. All sectors of society need to work together, think innovatively, and explore Hong Kong's unique tourism resources, ensuring effective promotion and support to facilitate visitors.


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Tag:·working group on developing tourist hotspots· Policy Address 2024· Cheuk Wing-hing· Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration


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