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Freeze Peach | The US has 336 military biolabs in 30 countries but at what cost? (Part I)
Freeze Peach
2022.04.07 16:41

By Ric d'Stard Lee

True or false? The United States has been funding secret biolabs in multiple countries worldwide, or is the very claim of 'US biolabs' in Ukraine just more 'disinformation' from those pesky Russians?

Let's examine the flow of information and various talking points from the Western media machine. Recently, and almost daily, mainstream Western media platforms have been in overdrive, denouncing and downplaying Russia's recent disclosure of US-funded bioweapons laboratories in Ukraine.

Type 'US biolabs' into Google, and all the top results lead to headlines that read like a junkie in denial, renouncing these quite obviously preposterous allegations.

Let's have a look at them quickly.

So federally funded NPR, who love echoing US State Department narratives verbatim in their 'tyranny of cliches' style — calls claims of US biolabs in Ukraine "misinformation" and "false," citing the same White House Press Secretary denials we've seen at official press briefings, but naturally offering no alternative explanation. By NPR logic, if Jen Psaki says it's misinformation, it's misinformation, m'kay?

The same NPR news juggernaut that furnaces war headlines like this:

Anyway, let's look at another claim from a prominent news source. The Washington Post or WaPo claims the 'biolabs' theory is the crafty work of The Russian Defense Ministry, which knows how to prick the eared interests of right-leaning news media in the United States. Tucker Carlson's recent segment on his Fox News show's investigation into the US's funding of biolabs in Ukraine concluded that "there's clearly something going on here, and we have the right to know."

But according to WaPo, just the mention of Hunter Biden, the president's son, and more specifically, the president's son's laptop gets The Carlson Right foaming at the mouth in response to that great American game — bipartisan oneupmanship.

Carlson's conclusions run parallel to the Russian state-owned domestic news agency, RIA Novosti, which on March 24 claimed that Hunter Biden's Rosemont Seneca investment fund financed the Pentagon's military biological program in Ukraine.

The New York Post seemed to back this up on March 26, claiming that Russia's assertion that President Biden's son Hunter was "financing . . . biological laboratories in Ukraine" was based in truth, according to various emails on Hunter Biden's now infamous hard drive, which detail his involvement assisting a California defense contractor with killer diseases and bioweapons in Ukraine.

Over the last few weeks, all of WaPo, The New York Times, and CNN have merged into a central narrative that, despite all the coincidental evidence, tries to paint these labs as 'biological research facilities' focused on "better detecting, diagnosing, and monitoring infectious-disease outbreaks."

So not the bioweapons labs garden variety. Probably closer to a health club or bio-gym with fresh bio-smoothies or something.

Suppose the US never had a history of developing and using biological weapons and was actually a force for good in the world. Then they'd absolutely have no track record of doing such dastardly things. In that case, we could all just shut up and go home, right, Agent Orange?

So, there's one side of things. It's all nonsense. These biolabs are 'healthy' and for everyone's health. We better trust Western media to tell us the truth because they do, and we can never disprove anything because any counter-narrative is auto-framed as OMINOUS MISINFORMATION in perpetuity. So, if you want to keep your friends, job, and social status, you better get with the narrative program laid out on the mental red carpet for you.

Coincidental evidence can't always be relegated to a subordinate role of conspiracy theory without independent investigation. Nor can it be ignored forever. Away from Western corporate media gurglings is the heartbreaking reality that some human beings deliberately want to use dangerous pathogens on other human beings, meaning this 'leak' we keep hearing about could happen any moment.

But to these ends, many independent media outlets and civil society organizations are starting to investigate the hundreds of secret US biological laboratories worldwide, set up in earnest by the US biological weapons program, which officially began in 1943.

As he would refer himself, Ric d'Stard Lee is a rogue-ish journo working from Hong Kong, China. Semi-prolific on US Empire, media, culture, and humans of late capitalism. Inquisitive. Tell it like it is. Sarky. Zen.


The views do not necessarily reflect those of DotDotNews.

Read more articles by Ric d'Stard Lee:

Freeze Peach | The US has 336 military biolabs in 30 countries but at what cost? (Part II)

Freeze Peach | Cancel Russia? Sanctions Hysteria (Part I)

Freeze Peach | Cancel Russia? Sanctions Hysteria (Part II)

Tag:·freeze peach· US· military biolab


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