By Ric d'Stard Lee
Last month Senator Marco Rubio seemed to panic as State Department Secretary Victoria Nuland, under oath, confirmed the existence of US-sponsored biolabs in Ukraine. Upon answering a question, he didn't even ask, Rubio shifted, first in his seat and then the topic, speculating on a definite future Russian false-flag attack using US bioweapon technology.
Look at Victoria Nuland; you just know she's an evil ideologue. A shadowy figure in the Ukraine crisis, her attitude to the plight of Ukraine and Europe was best surmized in her "F**k the EU!" leaked conversation at the start of the war.
Nuland's startling admission supports Russian President Vladimir Putin's accusation that the US has been funding and operating top-secret pathogen laboratories illegally for years on Russia's doorstep and for what must be nefarious purposes.
That conclusive evidence shows the US President's son has been bankrolling these activities is even more shocking, though ultimately not surprising, proving (once again) that the US is at the center of a global kleptocracy.
According to New Eastern Outlook or NEO, an English-language website managed by the Russian Academy of Science's Institute for Oriental Studies, US biolab activity exists in Ukraine, Georgia, and other Central Asian countries. Would it be too far-fetched to conclude the US need for the existence of biolabs in countries predominantly encircling Russia and China because they are increasingly the US's end game targets?
These Pentagon Biolaboratories will not only wreak havoc and death on targeted nations — this map proves proximity to Iran, Russia, and China — but also those countries foolish enough to host bioweapons on behalf of the United States.
The US is no innocent moral bystander and has never been. Though the ailing Biden, who needs cue cards and is prone to making substantial verbal gaffes in public, is quick to deny the existence of these labs, he has been media trained to deflect the accusation onto Russia without a shred of evidence accusing it of abusing US secret biological laboratories for their own barbarity.
The washing powder incident that 'proved' WMDs #neverforget
That's the Nuland line. The "yeah, well, they are there, but we're worried that the Russians will take them over and use them as we had intended to use them against the Russians" vibe. Noteworthy is that the more revealing and documented such behavior by the United States becomes, the louder the shouting and projections from Washington resound.
Nuland's recent reveal confirms two things. First that the reports over the past few years claiming the US Army has consistently produced deadly viruses and toxins in a direct breach of the UN Convention on the banning of bioweapons are likely true; second, the US's time-honored concept of 'plausible denial' is a policy used in alignment with Western media, which cloaks government officials with a protective shield from the responsibility of events they caused by helping them deny any knowledge of said events.
If we look back at previous accusations, right back to December 1951 during the Korean War, the United States, now under tremendous military pressure in freezing temperatures, resorted to bacteriological warfare.
Both North Korean and Chinese armies accused the US of implementing a large-scale biological warfare experiment in Korea. The US State Department continues to deny these allegations, though both accusing parties maintain their assessment.
Additionally, at the height of the Vietnam War, Southeast Asia rained a toxic chemical called Agent Orange, as mentioned above. The US planned to eradicate the enemy's food supplies, and from 1961 to 1971, five million acres of forest were destroyed. Consequently, civilians across the country starved and died. But the real impact of Agent Orange surfaced years later: four million people were exposed to a chemical that either killed them through starvation or left them with debilitating health issues and deformities.
Again, the State Department flatly denies or condescendingly tones down the extent of destruction and human suffering via the Agent Orange bioweapon because, hey, the US was bringing freedom and democracy, and why wouldn't anyone want to suffer enough for that?
Since the dawn of civilization, man has used poisons against individual enemies and occasionally entire armies. Over the past hundred years, humanity has seen more than 500 million people die of infectious diseases, of which tens of thousands of these deaths were deliberate pathogens or toxins.
So, what progress have we made? Two international treaties outlawed biological weapons in 1925 and 1972 but have largely failed to stop certain countries from conducting offensive weapons research and large-scale production of biological weapons.
Britain, Germany, and the Soviet Union had similar R&D programs during the Second World War, but only Japan was bold enough to use them on China. And though banned by international treaties, bioweapons programs are much harder to verify and detect than, say, nuclear ones, which require extensive facilities and a considerable workforce.
It's estimated that around seventeen countries are currently running bioweapons programs in 2022. But of all of them, the United States is by far the most excessive, conducting research on deadly viruses and pathogens in a whopping 336 biolabs in 30 countries.
As our knowledge of diseases increases, these bioweapons programs continue to rely on collecting DNA samples from all over the world. Is it not a crushing fear that pathogens developed from our DNA are being prepped as agents for biological warfare?
Lastly, that these US-sponsored labs appear strategically on the outskirts of known target nations, are we to believe that the same country that has used nuclear and biological weapons, killing hundreds of thousands of unwitting people each time, wouldn't be prepared to do the same again? At what human species cost?
As he would refer himself, Ric d'Stard Lee is a rogue-ish journo working from Hong Kong, China. Semi-prolific on US Empire, media, culture, and humans of late capitalism. Inquisitive. Tell it like it is. Sarky. Zen.
The views do not necessarily reflect those of DotDotNews.
Read more articles by Ric d'Stard Lee:
Freeze Peach | The US has 336 military biolabs in 30 countries but at what cost? (Part I)