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Freeze Peach | Rings of Fire: US 'deterrence' surrounding Ukraine and Taiwan is final phase end game for war (Part I)
Freeze Peach
2022.02.11 14:15

By Ric d'Stard Lee

I know not with what weapons WW3 will be fought, but WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones.

– Albert Einstein

If you hadn't noticed, humanity needs Heads of State to be real leaders — leaders who ignite actual change, first for their people, then with respectful engagement with the outside world. We do not need leaders who seem to enjoy basking in the dark glow of hubris by stoking fires across the planet. Our blue dot is and never was the dictate of a sole power and is certainly not a "backyard" for them to defecate.

Yet with "rising tensions" in Ukraine and Taiwan, the US is again fanning flames of conflict through its diplomacy-free policies toward Russia and China and just about any other US target nation on the planet. As US media falls in line yet again to parrot these objectives, it's no accident that most Americans now support further aggression towards both nuclear-armed nations.

All major Anglo-American corporate media have deliberately manufactured this turnaround of mass consensus, acting as servants to the US Empire's objectives. Which are what exactly? Why are US elites and their Anglosphere allies hellbent on kindling conflict in hopes of war?

Is it mass deflection for the 900,000 going on a million COVID-related deaths? A medical genocide so normalized that as US elites pursue a war in Ukraine, the fascist corporate media claps along, barking seal-like drunk on amnesia, paranoia, and self-righteousness.

Too busy packaging and re-packaging outrage at all non-aligned states or enemy "regimes" and their repression of FREEZE PEACH' n' DEMOCRAZY.

They've done this time and time again, increasingly skilled at wool pulling over public eyes since 1945. But even more so after 9/11 and far more blatant and deranged. Remember Mr. BS Dossier?

Dr. David Kelly lost his life for being able to disprove WMDs, but the UK regime suppressed his free speech and snuffed him out. Abandon hope of truth all ye of Assangian disposition; ye empire's message is clear —STFU or die or get locked up.

You see, World War 3 is already in flux. Though not fully declared, the sinister undertones of its clandestine nature lurk in the murk-swamp of Western corporate propaganda, zero-sum foreign policy, (more) sanctions, prejudice, and mafia militarism. What we need is a war on COVID, poverty, and climate action — NOT another US-led war on Russia or China as the empire's primary bogeymen.

Neither is a direct threat to the US or any other NATO country, but the US always needs an enemy. The US thrives on global instability and is usually behind movements that sow and exploit local divisions through nefarious agencies such as the US National Endowment for Democracy (NED), of which Kazakhstan is the latest example. In the year before the attempted revolution, the NED spent more than $1M in the country to sow as much chaos and instability as possible.

I mean, Kazakhstan wasn't even on any of our lips, but given it shares vast borders with Russia and China, you can see why the empire is suddenly taking an interest in it. By openly challenging existing power structures and governments in or near or within targeted nations, US elites and the elites of their allies benefit only.

But where exactly is this endless bellicosity leading?

The "Ukraine invasion" nonsense is already awaiting replacement by some new scare story, one that will be just as readily accepted.

With the US attempting to encircle and provoke Russia and China through Ukraine and Taiwan, it's not hard to imagine who the aggressor is and who is spun as the aggressors in the media for simply reacting to provocation.

Rings of Fire: US "deterrence" surrounding Ukraine and Taiwan is final phase end game for war

I know not with what weapons WW3 will be fought, but WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones.

– Albert Einstein

As he would refer himself, Ric d'Stard Lee is a rogue-ish journo working from Hong Kong, China. Semi-prolific on US Empire, media, culture, and humans of late capitalism. Inquisitive. Tell it like it is. Sarky. Zen.


The views do not necessarily reflect those of DotDotNews.

Read more articles by Ric d'Stard Lee:

Freeze Peach | Rings of Fire: US 'deterrence' surrounding Ukraine and Taiwan is final phase end game for war (Part II)

Freeze Peach | Tides of change (Part I)

Freeze Peach | Tides of change (Part II)

Tag:·US· democracy· China·Ukraine· Taiwan· deterrence


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