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Freeze Peach | Tides of change (Part I)
Freeze Peach
2022.01.21 14:58

By Ric d'Stard Lee

Oh, this beautiful, cascading world. Welcome back to Freeze Peach 2022, where we take down everything to do with everything in the world but with an eye on US Empire. We'll start this new series with a round-up of geopolitics in 2021 and contemplate through tweets and general silliness what we can expect from this beautiful, fracturing world in 2022.

First up, it seems like the US's headstrong, headlong plan of instigating WW3 is well underway, with Kahzastakn's attempted color revolution, stoking tensions with Russia over Ukraine, South China Sea flexing, and much more.

But let's start with this month's recent anniversary of the Jan 6th insurrection, which we all know — according to Western Media — an "attack" on democracy while the same thing happened in Hong Kong in the LegCo, which was more trashed, it was for freedom. I've still not worked out this monumental Pelosian virtue signal. Nonetheless, if Nancy Pelosi was Chinese, would she be allowed to describe Jan 6th as a "beautiful sight to behold?"

Likely not. (screenshot)

Also, (Screenshot)

And what a year it was 2021. It's like 2020 gave birth to an older bullying brother. The Empire of Chaos steamrolls ahead in its desperate attempt to maintain world control "America First" unipolar hegemony. For those still enamored with freedom and democracy, it's almost doctrine that America First is an ideology. Oppose this, and you support the Nazis or something stupidly reductive. But anyway, the world's chaos weaver is in full overdrive on pretty much everything. You name it, and they got it — conflicts, interventions, interference, AUKUS.

But the sands of humanity shifted different in 2021 than in 2020. People and world leaders are waking up to the new reality of moving into an increasingly multipolar world. They no longer need to make decisions based on what the US tells them. (Screenshot)

The US's bullying-Cold War mindset - a byproduct from its yesteryear hegemony is on the way out, and people worldwide are finally waking up to these facts, wanting to speak out or do something about it. But the issue here is simple. Right now, in front of our very eyes in the real-time internet information age, we're witnessing the center of global power shift from West to East. The slow tectonic plates of change have been happening slowly over the past few years, but we can now definitely see the speed at which it is shifting exponentially. (Screenshot)

Some things happened in 2021 we definitely would not have expected or predicted five or ten years ago. Mostly, this geopolitical restructuring is a direct reaction to the emergence of China as a global economic powerhouse. From 1949 to 2022, China has gone from the world's poorest country— a non-threat to US hegemony — to an advanced economy, lifting 853 million people from poverty and producing world-beating products and services.

But for some, the West is still the best, and their supremacist depravity

remains skeptical of China's commitment to a peaceful return to global eminence.

But facts are facts.

Of all five permanent UN Security Council members, including the United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia, and China, guess which country China hasn't fought a war in over four decades? Another interesting factoid: the Chinese military hasn't fired a shot outside its borders since its naval skirmish with Vietnam in 1989.

In stark contrast, the US as Empire of Chaos seems to be on a collision course of deliberate provocation to stoke conflict with Russia and China. Conquer would be a better word because, in the US's eyes, coexistence with powers beyond their manipulation and control is not an option. War is the only option if none are compliant, and boy does the US love chaos and destruction. (Screenshot)

Remember, kids, it's never about democracy or human rights. Never. It's about conquest and full-spectrum dominance. The US doesn't give two shits about its own people, let alone peoples of the world, and they've demonstrated this negligent psychopathy time and time again.

But now they're in super-overdrive to start a major conflict, waving a thorny bamboo stick with honey, hoping to poke a bear or panda. The US Military-Industrial Complex is thirsty and needs prey to justify its hellfire existence. (Screenshot)

As he would refer himself, Ric d'Stard Lee is a rogue-ish journo working from Hong Kong, China. Semi-prolific on US Empire, media, culture, and humans of late capitalism. Inquisitive. Tell it like it is. Sarky. Zen.


The views do not necessarily reflect those of DotDotNews.

Tag:·Freeze Peach· US· China· Hong Kong· America· democracy· human rights


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