By Ric d'Stard Lee
I know not with what weapons WW3 will be fought, but WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones.
– Albert Einstein
Oh, the sweet irony of the United States sending nearly 3,000 extra troops to Poland and Romania to "shield" Eastern Europe from a potential spillover of Russian forces near Ukraine (who remain within Russian borders, duh).
Lest we forget that on September 1, 1939, the German army under Adolf Hitler launched an invasion of Poland, triggering the start of World War II. Poor Poland, another used flashpoint for yet more nefarious political elites, this time the ones driving NATO.

So yeah, where exactly is this endless bellicosity leading?
You see, these political elites — the elites of the US-led-controlled West — are showing the world that they would rather have no world at all than a world they can no longer dominate.
You see, these elites are now frothing rabies-like like never before. And in their relentless pursuit of regime change targets across the globe, they will stop short of nothing, including nuclear war, to either maintain global dominance or guarantee mutual self-annihilation.
And the propaganda is working. Not the people, just the government, amirite Jim?

You see, the West cannot fathom nor believe nor accept China's progress over the last 40 years, which has meteorically and metaphorically risen from non-flush toilets to a space station.
These rings of fire, the collective goal of which are designed not just to damage Russia or China indefinitely but to ensure US global control ad infinitum, will determine the geopolitical structures of all our futures. There will be no challenger or alternative system. That precious multipolar world - one with systems and peoples working in solidarity for solutions to all our collective ills, will be gone forever.
And for what? Precious Anglo-Saxon ego?

A US-controlled world is an unimaginable outcome towards Orwellian servitude. No matter the propaganda, the paper-thin "lesser of evils" argument will only lead to a world willing to override all humanity—things like honor, justice, integrity—disappearing only to benefit a self-elected global hegemon.

We see these rings of fire increasingly being doubled down upon—years of fomenting political unrest at the behest of western intelligence agencies for regime change operations. "Hysteria" surrounding Ukraine cooked in the "newsrooms" of US, UK, and western corporate media is intended to misinform from reality.
Because the reality is the CIA has been secretly training anti-Russian groups in Ukraine since 2015, including the likelihood that neo-Nazis were employed to inspire far-right terrorists across the world. We saw some of this in Hong Kong during the 2019 riots, proving further evidence of a color revolution attempt. And does anyone have anything to say against the US government's well-worn reputation for backing extremist groups in their quiver of foreign policy misadventures? (Which almost always blow up in the American public's face.)
It's like the current crisis over Ukraine is a terrible wag-the-dog reenactment of Dr. Strangelove where Germany threatens what it will do if Russia invades but only tells the US and not the Russians.

And though no 'Russian Invasion' has transpired, it continues to be fueled by ever more wild media hysteria.
Anyway, Russia's ongoing destabilization/provocation is undoubtedly part of the overall end game's open-ended campaign. It's a bit like the "war on terror," only those that sloganed with it do the terrorizing. Ukraine is just a pawn to the empire with no other use than to create mischief against Russia.
Taiwan is next.

One significant benefit of the empire successfully splitting the UK from the EU is that now it can freely use the UK to provoke conflict without the EU restricting it. The US just falls into "innocent bystander" mode when convenient. Liz Truss's recent disastrous meeting with Lavrov, where she openly declared a laughable British "ultimatum," is proof of these dynamics at play.
Well, folks, WW3 is no joke. But the empire demands it, craves it. This last war will determine everything. US full-spectrum dominance equates to absolute control over all potential threats or non-anglo competition globally — it can't be negotiated; it can't be mixed, diluted, or tempered; it can't be reasoned with no matter the catastrophic consequences.
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
All together now...
And it burns burns burns those rings of fire, those rings of fire.
As he would refer himself, Ric d'Stard Lee is a rogue-ish journo working from Hong Kong, China. Semi-prolific on US Empire, media, culture, and humans of late capitalism. Inquisitive. Tell it like it is. Sarky. Zen.
The views do not necessarily reflect those of DotDotNews.
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