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Word Insights | Pakistani expert: China makes history in Middle Eastern diplomacy as Iran, Saudi Arabia restore ties For complex historical reasons, the swirling sands of different religions, ethnic groups and forces have made Middle Eastern diplomacy a hot potato in the geopolitics arena. For years, Saudi Arabia and Iran have been at loggerheads due to religious differences, with conflicted geostrategic policies and interests.
World Insights
2023.04.14 11:47
World Insights | JCI World President Argenis Angulo: New generation called to defend human’s common future An ancient Chinese poet once wrote, "One was born with talent and will surely be useful someday." People all have their own talents and have the opportunity to achieve their own success. However, in a quick-fix society nowadays, many young people have lost themselves and thus lost their motivation. As a renowned organization for nurturing talent and exploring potential, Junior Chamber International (JCI) has always been committed to the development of the young generation.
World Insights
2023.01.04 16:54
World Insights | JCI Myanmar National President: HK’s global impact inspires potential for youth The future world is in great need of talent. For a highly developed business city like Hong Kong, the talent pool will determine its future direction.
World Insights
2022.12.15 13:28
Watch This | 'Standard of living lifted': Foreign teacher sees persimmon industry boosts Guilin's economy Barrie has lived in Guilin for eight years and seen at first hand many examples of rural revitalization in Guilin and surrounding areas. Recently, he went to Pingle, where the persimmon industry has become the leading industry of this region, and experienced the life there. He was not only amazed by the texture, the flavor, and the output of persimmons, but also the high utilization rate of persimmon products. In the villages, Barrie felt how the persimmon industry drives the development of the local economy and increases the prosperity of the local residents.
2022.12.06 18:22
World Insights | UAE economist: China's economic reforms successful, market potential endless Since the reform and opening up, China's economic development has gradually evolved towards internationalization and modernization, creating promising results. The economic "powerhouses" of Europe and the US, however, have recently encountered a rare crisis. The US is currently facing an inflationary dilemma, and the persistence of the COVID pandemic has caused the world economy to suffer a considerable impact. In the face of the challenges ahead, China's door of opening will only get wider in a time of protectionism and counter-globalization.
World Insights
2022.11.30 14:32
World Insights | Is Big Tech promoting 'techno-fascism'? International influencers talk about information hegemony In this discussion, panelists will share their views on the truth behind Western media claims, revealing artifices utilized by supposedly democratic governments and big tech to manipulate and control information for political gains.
World Insights
2021.07.23 11:31
World Insights | Let's blame China? International experts unveil Western world's conspiracy Socialism with Chinese characteristics and the Chinese model have proven that China has lifted more than 700 million people out of poverty. It is the most successful country in battling the COVID pandemic. Obviously, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), China's political, economic, and cultural development has grown significantly.
World Insights
2021.05.18 18:21
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