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Budget 2025-26 | Paul Chan explains airport departure tax hike, focusing on 'User Pays' principle and minimizing impact
Hong Kong
2025.02.27 10:40

The Financial Secretary, Paul Chan, announced the fiscal year 2025/26 budget yesterday (Feb. 26), stating that the departure tax for air passengers will be increased from HK$120 to HK$200. Today (Feb. 27), during a radio program, he was asked by a listener why only the airport departure tax was raised, and not the land departure tax aimed at consumers heading to the Mainland.

Chan explained that revenue-generating measures must adhere to several principles, including "User Pays" and minimizing impact on the general public. He emphasized that increasing the land departure tax would have a broader impact, whereas, for air travelers, the additional departure tax remains affordable compared to the ticket price. He reiterated that the government would carefully consider the implications of various revenue-generating measures to ensure that policies are fair and reasonable.

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Tag:·Paul Chan·Financial Secretary·departure tax·radio program·User Pays·revenue-generating measures


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