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Overseas trailer: Appreciating classic quotes from 'Nezha 2' in English translation

Editors' Pick
2025.02.12 15:00

In recent days, "Nezha 2" has been advancing vigorously and receiving frequent good news, currently breaking into the top 30 in the global box office history. With the release of "Nezha 2" in overseas markets like North America, the attention on the film's translation from netizens has also risen.

Let's appreciate the English translations of classic lines together!

1. 我乃哪吒三太子

I am Ne Zha, the Third Prince bold!

The translation of this line puts "bold" at the back, giving the whole sentence a classical beauty and revealing Nezha's momentum.

2. 一身正氣

He is all about righteousness.

3. 能降妖來會作詩 

I slay the demons, I write in rhyme untold.

4. 今日到此除奸惡,爾等妖孽快受死

Today I come to rid the evil’s breath. You wicked fiends, prepare for death!

5. 我若出戰,就讓陳塘關雞犬不留

If I go to war, Chentang will be reduced to ashes! Not a soul shall remain!

6. 我活不活無所謂,我只要你死

Whether I live or die means nothing. All that matters…is your defeat!

7. 哪吒,你戰力非凡,定可蕩平龍宮

Ne Zha, your strength is unmatched. You will bring Dragon Palace to its knees!

(Source: China Daily)

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Tag:·English translations·Overseas trailer·Nezha 2·classic quotes·Third Prince·box office·Nezha·North America·classic lines


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