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We need fresh air! Proper window ventilation in winter can enhance health

In winter, when the weather turns cold, many people choose to keep their doors and windows tightly shut, staying cozy indoors. However, there are also those who insist on opening windows for ventilation every day, no matter how cold it is. What differences might there be between frequently opening windows for ventilation and avoiding it?

Keeping Doors and Windows Completely Shut in Winter is NOT Advisable

If one seals all doors and windows tightly in winter, they keep the cold outside and traverse polluted air indoors.

Experiments have shown that in a 10-square-meter room with three people inside and all doors and windows closed tightly, after 3 hours, the room temperature rises, and the levels of carbon dioxide, bacteria, and dust increase.

Inhaling such air for a long time can lead to symptoms like headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and poor sleep quality. It can even trigger or worsen heart and lung diseases such as coronary heart disease, chronic bronchitis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which is highly detrimental to health.

Opening windows for ventilation on clear days is the best and most effective way to increase indoor oxygen levels.

Frequent Window Ventilation Offers Numerous Benefits

- Reducing the risk of depression

Research indicates a significant correlation between opening windows for ventilation more than 5 times a week and a 33% lower likelihood of elderly individuals experiencing depressive symptoms compared to those who do not ventilate.

In the elderly population in our country, a high frequency of window ventilation is linearly associated with a reduced occurrence of elderly depression symptoms.

- Enhancing brain comfort

Prolonged lack of ventilation can lead to insufficient indoor oxygen levels, potentially causing dizziness, headaches, and even triggering other illnesses due to oxygen deprivation.

Through ventilation, harmful pollutants and various pathogens are expelled outdoors, while beneficial substances like oxygen and negative ions are brought in from outside, improving the immune, respiratory, and central nervous systems and regulating cortical excitability in the brain.

-Lower risk of respiratory diseases

As winter approaches and the air becomes relatively dry, the mucous membranes in the nose, throat, and other body parts lose moisture, reducing people's defense capabilities and making them more susceptible to various infections.

Regular window ventilation helps maintain indoor air circulation, reducing the concentration of pathogens indoors, decreasing exposure to pathogens, and thereby preventing diseases.

- Ventilate at least twice a day

Ventilating when the weather is clear allows oxygen-rich outdoor air to enter indoor spaces, making it the most effective way to increase indoor oxygen levels. Opening windows twice a day, preferably between 9-11 am and 2-4 pm, when there is relatively less vehicle traffic and air pollution, is recommended for about 20 minutes each time. Lower floors should avoid ventilating during peak traffic hours in the morning and evening when vehicle emissions can worsen air quality.

How Long Does Window Ventilation Last Every Day?

- Ventilate for no less than 15 minutes each time

Each ventilation session should last no less than 15 minutes, ideally between 20-30 minutes. If windows are only opened slightly, ventilation time should be extended to 30-60 minutes.

- Open windows slightly when temperatures are low

During times of crowded indoor gatherings or flu seasons, ventilation is advised. If temperatures are low, windows can be slightly opened to maintain ventilation without causing discomfort.

- Create airflow during ventilation

Ventilation should create airflow, such as by opening windows and doors furthest from each other to allow air to flow through the entire room. Avoid sweating or wearing light clothing in winter, as this can easily lead to catching a cold. Do not let indoor temperatures drop below 16℃ due to ventilation; ideally, maintain temperatures between 18-23℃.

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