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10 ceremonial ways for farewell to 2024
Editors' Pick
2024.12.27 09:19

1. Write an annual review

Check out how many of the goals you set at the beginning of the year have been achieved. List everything you've accomplished, and give yourself credit for it, as well as figure out what else you can work on a bit more.

2. Organize a small sharing party

Sit down with friends and family or connect remotely and organize a small "annual sharing party" to share your experiences with each other.

3. Choose 2024 "highlight pictures"

Organize your photo albums to reflect on the heart-touching moments of 2024, and choose your favorite photo of the year.

4. Make your room to your liking

Put the things that can be used in the right place; organize the things that are worth treasuring; and pack and clean the things that you don't need. With a clean and cozy room, you'll feel fresh and comfortable.

5. Start cultivating a good habit

Develop a good habit from now on. For example, regular work and rest, read a few pages of books every day, and stay focused on what you are doing.

6. Experience new things you've never faced before

Life is full of surprises and possibilities, Going to experience new things will make you become braver.

7. Call someone you miss

Don't hide your thoughts in your heart, give a call to the person in your heart.

8. Prepare New Year's gifts

As the New Year approaches, prepare a New Year's gift for yourself and your cherished ones. Reward yourself for your hard work this year, and keep the love and blessings going.

9. Write a letter to next year's self

Put between the lines any unfulfilled wishes, hopes for the future, and encouragement for yourself.

10. Hug yourself before the New Year

After a year of hard work, give yourself a warm hug to thank you for your efforts and perseverance in the past year, and encourage yourself to welcome the coming new year with hope.

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Tag:·annual review·farewell to 2024·good habit·New Year


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