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Henry's Take EP21 | Turning adversity into opportunity: China to embrace bright future in 2025

Henry's Take
2025.01.03 15:40

The year 2024 presents China with challenges arising from great power relations, regional conflicts, and an uncertain external economic environment. In the face of these challenges, China responds with strong resilience. Meanwhile, Hong Kong has also solidified the foundation of national security this year and has restored its economy through policies that strengthen ties with the mainland.

In the new year, facing a new external environment, new international circumstances, and new historical opportunities, both the mainland and Hong Kong remain confident in future development. Where does this confidence come from?

In this episode, Dr. Ho will discuss the numerous opportunities, policies, and achievements that Hong Kong and our country have experienced over the past year, as well as prospects for future development.

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Tag:·Henry's Take· new year· great power relations· regional conflicts· external environment


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