The outgoing U.S. President Joe Biden has exercised his pardon power, pardoning his son Hunter Biden for charges related to gun possession and tax evasion.
This move, however, has sparked opposition from both political parties, with some alleging that Biden's actions constitute an abuse of power, prioritizing personal interests over national interests. Some have gone as far as accusing him of trampling on the dignity of the rule of law, making it become the "rule of dad. "
However, the abuse of pardons is not unique to Biden but rather a "standard practice " for U.S. Presidents. Is the use of pardon power reasonable and beneficial? What does the abuse of pardons imply for the rule of law and current system in the United States?
In this episode, Dr. Henry Ho will explain in detail the controversy surrounding the act of pardoning, the potential impacts of pardoning abuse, and how the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, who also possesses pardon power, exercises this authority. Stay tuned!
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