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Foster care services incentive payments doubled
Hong Kong
2024.12.22 11:11
Foster care services, overseen by the Social Welfare Department (SWD), saw a 35 percent rise in enquiries compared to the same period last year after the incentive for foster families was nearly doubled in April 2024. (HK. gov)

Foster care services, overseen by the Social Welfare Department (SWD), saw a 35 percent rise in enquiries compared to the same period last year after the incentive for foster families was nearly doubled in April 2024. Over 1,000 foster families now provide care for children in need.

Foster care services in Hong Kong are provided by 11 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) overseen by the Social Welfare Department's (SWD) Central Foster Care Unit.

To encourage more people to become foster parents, the SWD nearly doubled the incentive payment for foster families in April. This led to a 35% increase in fostering enquiries from April to November compared to the same period last year. By the end of November, over 1,000 registered foster families were providing care for children in need.

According to Central Foster Care Unit Officer-in-charge Tsung Ka-yee, anyone who is healthy, committed to providing love and time for foster children, and can offer a safe living environment may apply to become a foster parent.

"Any adult, regardless of their sex, marital or employment status, can apply. Applicants must complete a home suitability assessment and pre-service training to ensure they are prepared to provide proper care."

Foster homes must meet specific safety requirements, such as installing window grilles or safety devices for balconies. They must also provide adequate living space, including separate beds and activity areas for the children.

To support foster families, the Central Foster Care Unit and 11 Foster Care Agencies offer professional assistance. Social workers conduct regular home visits, interviews, and phone check-ins to monitor the children's adjustment and provide guidance to foster parents. For children with special educational needs, social workers also offer tailored advice, parenting support and psychological consultation services, ensuring the well-being of both the children and their caregivers.

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Tag:·Social Welfare Department ·SWD·NGOs·Foster care services·foster families·incentive payments


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