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Opinion | The second coming of the Anti-Christ is here—Can the end of the world be near?
Philip Yeung
2024.11.07 17:58

By Philip Yeung, university teacher


Yes, it has happened. Trump has won. The buffoon is back in a big way, to no one's surprise. But many are plunged into clinical depression, not because Trump is a rapist, or a racist, or a pathological liar, or a serial tax cheat, or a wrecking ball, or an unprincipled bully or anti-science and pro-Hitler. But because he is "all of the above". That's why his second victory feels like the end-of-the-world: the lawless as leader, and rule-breakers as royalty.

Psychologists and politicians everywhere are huddled over the autopsy, baffled by his resurrection. Did democracy die? Or was it already half-dead?

What does this US election signal to the world? It reaffirms that America, the world's proudest and loudest human rights defender, will never elect a woman president. Last time, Hillary lost because she did not have the "new car smell". This time, Kamala failed because she does not smell enough. Harris is only a prospect, but never a serious prospect. She was untested by the grueling primary process. Harris was picked by Biden for her skin color and her gender, the same way his black and bumbling White House spokeswoman is picked. She, too, like Harris, is beyond her depth.

America has gone red, leaving the rest of the world red-faced. This is not a new dawn. Trump 2.0 is darker than the last nightmare.

Yes, Trump stinks. But he offers his base clarity and catharsis—letting them vent their anger and hatred against visible targets: illegal immigrants, LGBTQ lovers and abortion apologists. Kamala offers them a watered-down version of things. Trump triumphs by being bombastic and simplistic, while Kamala cackles but is otherwise colorless. She gives voters nothing to sink their teeth into. Trump is like biting into a big juicy steak. Harris is like munching limp lettuce. Trump triggers extreme emotions. Harris lurks between the lukewarm and the tasteless. Harris tiptoes around the rules. Trump tramples them with delight. He gives people the perverse pleasure of watching him smash a priceless Ming vase with impunity—because he alone can do it.

What else does it tell us? It certifies that democracy is fatally flawed: first Boris, and then Trump. Both self-seeking buffoons and snake-oil salesmen, and both winning big. They tell voters what they want to hear. They sell hate and fear on an industrial scale, and laugh all the way to the winner's podium, never mind that what they sell is totally fact-free.

Trump is 78. By the time "47" finishes his second term, he will be 82, young enough to play nine holes, but no more. He leaves a black hole in the moral universe that sucks up all positivity from humanity. Trump is driving drunk. Buckle up everybody.

Who will lose most from a Trump win? Hands down, the Ukrainians. They are about to be sold down the Donald River. Trump boasted he could end the Ukraine war in 24 hours. No, he will end Ukraine as a nation in less than the time it takes to play the back nine in his Mar-a-Lago course. He has given Putin a political hole-in-one. Trump is Putin's trump card. He will eat Zelensky for lunch.

Henceforth, NATO should be renamed EATO, for European Atlantic Treaty Organization, for Trump will de-Americanize it. He has confiscated the manhood of European players. They are all political eunuchs. Trump's win is a wake-up call for Europe to seriously contemplate realignment. After all, China has never invaded any country, while the US has never stopped invading other countries. Why buy America's smear on China---the only country where the word "tranquility" or "stability" is embedded in its cities' names, from Xian (western stability) to Nanning (southern tranquility). Peace is bred in the Chinese bones. Chinese aggression is an American invention.

And what about the huffing-and-puffing Trump supporters? They have done their job and put their man into the White House. They have outlived their usefulness. This being Trump's last term, he doesn't need to dog-whistle to them anymore. Soon controlling the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court, the military and the Justice Department, Trump has the button on the world. Will our tomorrow be unrecognizable?

Last time, Hillary lost to Trump despite a 7 million plurality in the popular vote, thanks to the Electoral College. This time, Trump actually outscores Harris by more than five million votes, thanks to Elon Musk, RFK, and angry pro-Palestinian protestors. Harris, the worst US Vice President, turns out to be Trump's best helper. Against her, Trump smells strong and good. This cackler-in-chief has belly-laughed all the way to a humiliating defeat. She doesn't go low when Trump goes low. Instead, she chooses to go middle—and that's why she never manages to get out of the hole. Against Trump's torrent of lies, she simply drowns in his drivel.

The sun will still rise tomorrow. But America has gone red, with the world feeling blue. It's Trump's world. How do we navigate our future? I see three exits: Either Trump is incapacitated by his creeping Alzheimer's, or someone out there is praying hard for another assassin's bullet, crossing his fingers and toes that this time, that it will find its target. Or, outlandishly, we can beg Elon Musk to take Trump to outer space without a return rocket. Unfortunately, Trump has nine lives. We have only one.


The views do not necessarily reflect those of DotDotNews.

Read more articles by Philip Yeung:

Opinion | Are we humans, or are we beasts?

Opinion | How to explain Trump

Opinion | Ruthless and lawless: Beastly Netanyahu on a deadly rampage

Opinion | America in a dilemma in November

Opinion | America is afraid of Confucius

Tag:·Philip Yeung·Anti-Christ ·Trump·America·Elon Musk·US presidential election


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