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Opinion | Are we humans, or are we beasts?
Philip Yeung
2024.11.02 10:31

By Philip Yeung, university teacher


Jews, we are told, are the chosen people. But Gaza has redefined them as the chosen devil. They turn their zero-sum game into a blood debt too horrible to be settled. Through Gaza, Israel announces to the world: America is not the global superpower. It is just a supporting cast in its mass murder. Israel is the hyper-power. It calls the shots. It has hijacked America's military might and taken possession of its moral compass. It is above the laws of man, and above the laws of god. If there is a god, he is either asleep, or blind or both. Scientists tell us that humans can never leave the galaxy—it is big beyond our imagination. But humans don't deserve to leave this wretched planet, now a bloody, stinking mess. Here, might is right, bullies and butchers always win. Gaza qualifies Jews as the most blood-thirsty butchers of the human race---slaughtering innocent women and babies by the tens of thousands, bombing hospitals, destroying all 126 schools, stopping the flow of food and water from reaching trapped and starving people. Palestinians are labeled "two-legged beasts", and deemed  sub-human, Palestinians are shown no mercy. Their needless deaths are but proud statistics in the political ledger of Netanyahu, a convicted war criminal who was welcomed into the US congress as a super-hero. The Star of David now looks like a tarnished Swastikas. There are no safe shelters in Gaza. Everyone is a legitimate target unless you are Jewish. If you are a UN worker, or an Israeli critic, god have mercy on you. Israel is now bigger than the UN, bigger than the US, bigger than the Western alliance combined. It is a bulldozer that has pulverized the last shreds of human decency. Truth is at the tip of the bullet, and morality is just a detonator. In an area measuring just over 300 square miles, Israel has dropped six times the tonnage of bombs that devastated Hiroshima. This is indiscriminate, mass murder, and televised genocide. Israel dares the world to stop it from wiping Palestine off the map, and its pitiable people along with it. And what does the world do?  It watches, open-mouthed, scrotum-shriveled, cursing god and Israel.

America goes down in history as an unforgivable accomplice. Now spare us your sermons. Spare us your moral outrage over offshore human rights abuses. In a country where conviction politics now prevails, mealy-mouthed democrats are scrambling to elect their most mealy-mouthed flag-bearer Kamala Harris. The Biden-Harris duet has sung its last song. Harris, by failing to unmute herself, and stop the efficient killing machine, is in the crosshairs of conscience-stricken students and Muslims. Judgment Day is coming. November 5 is hours away. Trump might be a crook and a criminal, but at least his hands are not bloodied by the weapons delivered to Israel. He is a profiteer by default. This is no time to grandstand on Israel's right of self-defence. What the world is witnessing is disproportionate revenge killing of innocent people in an asymmetric fight with ethnic cleansing as the unspoken goal.

This genocide is live and raw, with Israel pissing on us all. Israel's victory comes at the cost of mountains of dead Palestinian bodies. The Jewish Promised Land is the promise of hell for its poor neighbors. For Israel, morality has no more meaning. The whole country is a canceled check, worthless, overdrawn and discardable. But don't call me a Jew-hater. I was once a proud admirer of Jewish intelligence. Now, I recoil at having to share their sub-human category. Animals are beasts, but they don't do mass murder. The animal kingdom lacks mass murder capability. They kill their prey one at a time, with no pogrom or genocide. The Palestinian genocide is a game-changer for many Jew-sympathizers like me. Women and children are the first to die. Next come doctors and nurses, aid workers and reporters. Gaza is so smashed up that the UN estimates it will take 350 years to rebuild. The Jews have a thick skin and a big appetite. They always get what they want. No apologies, no second thoughts, no watching over the shoulder, no checking with their conscience. Kill, kill, kill—until everything is still. They have now killed their way back to prehistory. I hereby disown my own species. I am sick of this godless, Darwinian world. Netanyahu is too much for me.


The views do not necessarily reflect those of DotDotNews.


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Tag:·Jews·Philip Yeung·opinion·Gaza·Israel


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