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HK advised to develop 'Panda Economy'

Giant panda sculpture at Yangtianwo Square. (dyj. gov)

Two giant pandas gifted to Hong Kong by the central government are set to arrive tomorrow (Sept. 26). Kevin Yeung, HK's Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, will attend a farewell ceremony today (Sept. 25) in Dujiangyan, Sichuan.

Some mainland tourists believe HK could learn from Chengdu's experience by turning giant pandas into an iconic attraction. They suggested creating panda-themed photo spots and turning the pandas into cartoon characters to attract more visitors.

Timothy Chui, the executive director of the Hong Kong Tourism Association also noted that the HKSAR government and various sectors should work to establish the giant panda family as a key symbol of HK. He emphasized that the positive impact would extend beyond direct economic benefits.

He suggested that Ocean Park could draw inspiration from overseas panda-themed parks and the marketing strategies of Disneyland. By creating engaging storylines and themed events, he believes the panda craze can be sustained over time.


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