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Schools need to provide healthy environment to children, official says
Hong Kong
2024.08.27 16:31
Schools should continue to give top priority to students' mental health in the new school year, cultivate students' positive thinking, and build a healthy and happy campus, Deputy Secretary for Education, Louise So said in an article today (Aug. 27).

Schools should continue to give top priority to students' mental health in the new school year, cultivate students' positive thinking, and build a healthy and happy campus, Deputy Secretary for Education, Louise So said in an article today (Aug. 27).

So said that in the new school year, each school participating in the 4Rs Mental Health Charter will be given a roly-poly toy to encourage schools to actively promote the Charter's action pledges, to train students' spirit, and to allow students to hug or pat the toy on campus to create a relaxing atmosphere.

In addition, the Education Bureau has updated the thematic website and launched the "self-care roadmap", which is designed with a cartoon of a panda and a map of the Mass Transit Railway line. It suggests that students should have 9 to 12 hours of sleep every night, arrange for half an hour of aerobic exercise every day, choose leisure activities of interest, arrange for free time for creativity, express their gratitude to two relatives, friends, teachers and classmates, and take the initiative to help out with chores in the classroom and at home, etc.

The Administration has also launched the Parents' Tips, urging parents to pay more attention to their children's emotions, show more love and care, help them establish routines, set a good example, and allow them to choose their favorite leisure time activities.

Parents are also reminded that when communicating with their children, they should not let their children feel bad for making mistakes, nor should they praise or criticize their children's talents. Instead, they should use constructive comments to let their children know that they can continue to make progress.


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Tag:·EDB· Louise So· education· mental health


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