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Passengers should obey MTR By-laws: relevant details as follows
Hong Kong
2024.08.19 12:53
Passengers should obey the MTR By-laws. (File Photo)

A teenager, between 16 and 18 years old or so, suddenly opened the emergency exit door and the driving cab, fleeing from the train when it was traveling from Whampoa to Tiu Keng Leng on the Kwun Tong Line at around 1 a.m. yesterday (Aug. 18). The police now treats the case as a violation of Cap. 556B Mass Transit Railway By-laws. No arrests have been made yet.

This article summarizes the general code of conduct for passengers in the MTR By-laws and the legal consequences if a passenger fails to comply.

MTR By-laws (extract)


- Maximum penalty: HK$5,000 fine

(1) No person, unless otherwise authorized by the Corporation, shall-

(a) enter into or upon any part of the railway premises, other than those parts clearly defined by means of notices, indicators and other directions for the use of persons using, or intending to use the railway; or

(b) enter or leave such parts other than by proper use of such gates, barriers or turnstiles (if any) provided for such entry or exit.

(2) (Repealed)

(3) A person shall be responsible for any injury, loss or damage caused to the Corporation's property or staff or to any other person or property by such person or by any article or animal brought by him onto the railway premises and he shall indemnify the Corporation from and against any liability to any other person resulting therefrom.

No vehicles, animals, etc. to be brought across the railway premises

- Maximum penalty: HK$5,000 fine and 6 months imprisonment

No person shall pass or attempt to bring, pass, drive or conduct any motor vehicle, bicycle, motorcycle or other similar conveyance or any handcart, barrow or similar conveyance or any thing including animals across the railway premises or any part thereof at any time except by notice published by or on behalf of the Corporation under this by-law nor shall any such person omit to shut or refasten any gate, door, chain or barrier as soon as he and any conveyance, animal or other thing has passed through the same.

Damage to railway premises, trains, plant and equipment

- Maximum penalty: HK$5,000 fine and 6 months imprisonment

No person shall improperly touch, use, meddle, damage or otherwise interfere with-    (a) any machine or equipment, or any part thereof, used or employed in or upon any part of the railway premises;

(b) any locomotive, train, carriage, truck or any other conveyance or any equipment thereon used or employed on or in connection with the railway;

(ba) any tracks, rails and supporting system including fastenings, fixtures, baseplates, plinths, sleepers and ballast;

(bb) any gate, door, chain, wall, fence, barrier or other erection constructed or erected in or upon any part of the railway premises;

(bc) any building and structure constructed or erected in or upon on any part of the railway premises; or

(c) any electrical plant, overhead wiring or other form of electrical installation or equipment of any nature whatsoever used or employed in or upon any part of the railway.

Improper use of emergency equipment

- Maximum penalty: HK$5,000 fine

No person, unless otherwise authorized by the Corporation, shall activate any emergency or safety device on the railway premises save for the express purpose for which the same is provided and in accordance with the instructions printed thereon.

Improper use of emergency equipment

Wrongfully entering or leaving trains

- Maximum penalty: HK$2,000 fine

(1) No person shall enter or leave or attempt to enter or leave any train after the doors have commenced to close.

(2) No person shall interfere with any doors or gates within the railway premises including any train doors and platform screen doors.

Feet not to be placed on seats

- Maximum penalty: HK$2,000 fine

No person shall place his feet on any seat in any part of the railway premises.

Smoking prohibited

- Maximum penalty: HK$5,000 fine

No person shall smoke or carry a lighted pipe, cigar or cigarette or naked flame in any form in any other part of the railway premises where smoking is prohibited by notice.

Fire hazard

- Maximum penalty: HK$5,000 fine and 6 months imprisonment

No person shall place or throw any lighted cigarette end, match, tobacco, liquid, substance or any other thing upon the railway premises in a manner which constitutes or is likely to constitute a fire hazard.

Spitting, etc. prohibited

- Maximum penalty: HK$5,000 fine

No person shall-

(a) spit on any part of the railway premises; or

(b) place or throw any litter upon the railway premises, except into receptacles provided for that purpose.

Passengers not to cause a nuisance

- Maximum penalty: HK$5,000 fine

No person shall conduct himself on any train or in any part of the railway premises so as to cause a nuisance or annoyance to other passengers.


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Tag:·Kwun Tong Line· Cap. 556B Mass Transit Railway By-laws· legal consequences· general code of conduct


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