The Transport Department (TD) has recently indicated that it has decided to implement new fares for the ferry route between Central and Discovery Bay with effect from August 11 (Sunday), with the new rate of increase ranging from 21% to 14%.
The adult single fare will increase from HK$46 to HK$55.8, while those for people aged 65 or above and under 12 will increase from HK$23 to HK$27.9 respectively, representing an increase of 21%. The fare for registered adult residents will increase from HK$33.5 to HK$38.2, representing an increase of 14%.
According to TD, it has been more than six years since the fare adjustment of Discovery Bay Route in June 2018. During the period, the annual patronage has been lower than that of 2018/19 by about 11.7% to 21.3%, while the operating costs, including wages and fuel, etc., have continued to rise, resulting in the revenue of the Route not being able to cover the increase in operating costs. As the cumulative consumer price index has increased by double-digit since the last fare adjustment, and an appropriate fare adjustment would enable the Discovery Bay ferry service to continue to sustain its operation, it is decided that the fare increase should be approved with a significant downward adjustment in the rate of increase applied by Discovery Bay ferry services.
There are four fare modes for the ferry route between Central and Discovery Bay. For example, if an adult fare is paid by a registered Octopus, the adult fare will increase from the current HK$33.5 to HK$38.2, representing an increase of about 14%; if an adult fare is paid by a non-registered Octopus or cash, the adult fare will increase from HK$46 to HK$55.8, representing an increase of about 21%; and if a T-Card is used which includes 20 journeys, the adult fare will increase from HK$730 to HK$884, representing an increase of about 21%.
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