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Opinion | Leaders of China, Russia attend Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit, that's stabilizing Central Asia

By Augustus K. Yeung

The naming of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) may have nothing to do with the shaming of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).  Over the past two decades and more, since it was founded, however, the growth and development of SCO is quietly shaming NATO, which was originally meant for peacekeeping in Europe, where WWII was ferociously fought and won.

While SCO is making strides in its remarkable regional security development and economic expansion, NATO is now disappointingly turning Ukraine into a towering inferno; and Ukraine, a key bloc member of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republic is wondering what its future will hold with the winning of Donald Trump looming large in the not distant horizon.

The Cold War that had existed symbolized a wall blocking the two worlds, with one led by the Soviet Union, and the other by the United State, which was witnessing economic prosperity.

Before the war with Russia, Ukraine was disappointingly poor in its economic development. And worst of all, the American CIA had undermined the country by driving out the former democratically elected Ukrainian president into exile, toppling his government.

And the new Ukrainian president has fallen into the trap of the American-led NATO, falling head over heels, hoping to become a worthy and wealthy member. It turns out to be "hoping against hope".

The notoriety of NATO needs no introduction and discussion, as its Secretary General was in Asia late last year, hoping to shore up some support. The man left empty-handed. And his recruitment and retention has since become a challenge. And its existence depends on Donald Trump, the White House challenger, who is well-known for appeasing Russia, and approaching NATO to the infinity of zero.

The origin, purpose and growth of SCO, however, is invitingly attractive as it is alive and well, and it is even expanding. The presence of two leaders of China, Russia attending SCO summit of regional security grouping is making headlines. And the newest member, Belarus is waiting in the wings, quietly sending shock waves of potential threat to Poland, forcing President Duda to Beijing to reaffirm bilateral ties last week.

It is world history at the crossroads; Western NATO is now in limbo while Mid-eastern SCO is all ready to tango.

The grouping was established in 2001 by China, Russia and the four ex-Soviet Central Asian nations of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan to promote regional security and economic cooperation. It was later joined by India, Pakistan and Iran. Russia's western neighbor and ally, Belarus joined the SCO on Thursday (July 4).

Addressing the summit, Putin emphasized the group's focus on ensuring security of its members and said the SCO will form a dedicated center that will coordinate response to various security challenges. He added that the group's members will also endorse a special program to fight separatism and extremism.

Xi called on the SCO members to show solidarity in the face "the real challenges of intervention and polarization," according to readout of his speech by the official Xinhua news agency.

"In the face of the real threat of the Cold War mentality, we have to safeguard the security bottom line," Xi added.

At a meeting with Xi on Wednesday, Putin hailed the SCO as "one of the key pillars of a fair, multipolar world order," and said ties between Moscow and Beijing are "experiencing the best period in their history."

With the expansion of SCO, China's influence is awesome, and the bilateral relations between it and Russia is leaping from strength to strength.

A new world order is taking shape.

Imagine: what if President Zelensky of Ukraine had turned to China, requesting for help to join SCO, and not NATO?

With Russia and Ukraine both in the same camp, the "tragedy" could have been prevented, and Ukraine today would have become an economically thriving nation, instead of now begging the Americans to send more money and military aids to fight Russia, which is a core member and cofounding father of SCO with China.

Is this a glaring mistake?

That's for Mr. Zelensky to answer. But the poor fellow was in Manila, hoping to shore up support from Marcos Jnr. as both were now obviously pawns of President Joe Biden, who is himself fighting a losing battle with archrival Donald Trump.

The precarious situation before us presents two lessons: The first one is for Mr. Zelensky to introspect, or retrospect; and the second is for Mr. Marcos to improvise, to sit down with China and negotiate, or be doomed, perhaps like Ukraine.

Recently, the way Marcos is conducting himself is raising eyebrows. ASEAN bloc members such as Vietnam and Malaysia are resorting to resolving maritime disputes with China in a non-confrontational way.

Vietnam is using the so-call "bamboo diplomacy" which is blowing with the economic wind, and siding with China for a win-win outcome.

Such is the spirit of SCO. The members are drawn from diverse backgrounds and different ideological inclinations – with the common purposes of solidarity, security and prosperity.

To conclude, the members (both old new, and the waiting ones) of the SCO are putting their heads together, working for their common goals.

Ukraine stands in danger of being dumped by Donald Trump, whose inclination towards Russia is no longer a state secret.

As for the Philippines, had Marcos been continuing the foreign policy of the Duterte administration, Manila would have been dreaming of, or even busily building high-speed railways, and modernizing its metropolitan systems – much the same way as the Indonesians and Cambodians have been doing, in close economic cooperation with China.

Is it time Marcos come to the realization that he is being "Shanghaied," or taken for a ride by his flirting, seductive and sweet-talking American ally – who promises the moon?!

As I see it, NATO is on the way down; SCO is a rising star – on its trajectory up. What do you see?!


The views do not necessarily reflect those of DotDotNews.

To contact the writer, please direct email:AugustusKYeung@ymail.com

Read more articles by Augustus K. Yeung:

Opinion | Leader of Poland visits China – What's on the radar

Opinion | Is China on the right side of history

Opinion | Through China's widebody C929 jet development world can share its grand vision

Opinion | Why must Marcos be as mad as a red bull?

Opinion | Instigated by US, it's Philippine's military moves that have angered China


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