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Opinion | US politicians side with chaos by meeting with HK rioters


Recently, in line with double standards displayed on issues involving human rights and the rule of law, a senior United States official met with four anti-China rioters and openly bragged about it.

The four fugitives wanted by the Hong Kong Police Force were met by a US assistant secretary of state. This is ample demonstration that certain US politicians have given up trying to hide every method they previously used to gloss over their support for anti-China elements, and have chosen to openly side with the forces of chaos and injustice.

It is no secret that these politicians have been in close contact with troublemakers inside and outside Hong Kong, and have supported and emboldened their schemes and activities to oppose China and destabilize the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

However, it is a rare sight to see them blatantly meeting with anti-China rioters who are wanted by the Hong Kong Police Force and flattering them, totally disregarding both law and morality.

By staging this meeting, the hypocrisy of these politicians has been exposed. While they claim to stand with the people of Hong Kong, they are actually standing with the enemies of Hong Kong people.

Under its own laws about safeguarding national security, the US stipulates that its people shall not incite, initiate, facilitate or participate in any form of insurrection or riot against its administration and laws, and all kinds of support or assistance for such activities are forbidden. Moreover, anyone who commits the crime of treason will face the most stringent punishment in the United States.

The four wanted criminal suspects received by the US officials are suspected of such crimes as collusion with a foreign country or with external elements to endanger national security. However, with their trademark double standards, the US politicians boldly commended these suspects as advocates of democracy and human rights. Such nonsensical claims attest to the fact that there is no such thing as justice in the minds of the US politicians, only self-interested hegemonism.

After meeting with the suspects from Hong Kong, the US politicians went on to wantonly smear the Hong Kong Police Force's action of listing those anti-China rioters as wanted people. Contrary to their claim that the action intimidates the people of Hong Kong and other parts of the world, the United States is the biggest intimidator in the world.

Statistics show that the previous US administration imposed over 3,900 sanction measures targeting foreign countries and peoples. In November, some US senators even introduced the Hong Kong Judicial Sanctions Act, which threatened to hold accountable officials of Hong Kong's Judiciary.

Only the United States would ever resort to introducing acts to sanction judges.

Such egregious acts from US politicians are a serious provocation against China's national sovereignty and security. Treating suspects on another country's wanted list as "honored guests" is equivalent to allying with that country's enemies, and is a blatant act of making an enemy of that country.

(Source: Xinhua)


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