By Philip Yeung, university teacher
The word "genocide" should be retired next to Xinjiang. It exists only in the murky minds of Western politicians out to tar-and-feather China.
For a blood-dripping genocide, you must go West. America was born in a genocide. The decimated native Indians are a species more endangered than white elephants. No apologies. No blood debt settled. Only Hollywood movies that glorify the trigger-happy gunslingers.
A real-life genocide is unfolding in Gaza, where nearly 30,000 civilians, mostly women and children have been snuffed out by Israeli bombs and missiles. Among the innocent dead are teachers, journalists, doctors, nurses and aid workers. No one, and nowhere, is safe from the devil-may-care bombers. This is overlaid by a "cultural genocide". Saturation bombing has reduced nearly 220 churches, schools, universities, mosques and hospitals to rubble. The serene cultural and historical sites, impossible to replace or restore, are now just memories. Netanyahu he has done his dirtiest to break the spirit of the Palestinian people. By making Gaza uninhabitable, he is gearing up for the next logical step--the Gazans' mass evacuation and exile from their homeland. The frenzy of killing, now well past the 100-day mark, shows no sign of stoppage. If the Butcher of Gaza remains off-leash, the territory will be depopulated. To him the casualty count is just cold statistics.
Had China committed 1% of the atrocities visited upon Gaza, deadly sanctions or worse would have rained down on the country. America and its surrogate act as an empire, bristling with imperial arrogance and a callous disregard for human life. Might is self-justifying. Doubt-standards be damned. The International Court of Justice be damned. Gaza is being denuded and wiped off the map with the world looking meekly on. It is geographical and biological extermination. How can this be happening in the 21st century? How is Netanyahu not a war criminal? And why is he not in handcuffs and behind bars?
Against these unspeakable atrocities, calling China a threat to the rules-based world order rings hollow. Of what foreign wars have China been a part in the last 70 years? Where is the case against China? Where is the human evidence? All we have are the slimy words of habitual liars. Watch what China does, not what America says it does. In both Ukraine and Gaza, China is busy playing peace-maker to end the killings, not exactly the image of a country posing a "strategic threat" to world peace. The accusation has no leg to stand on. China has kept its nose clean and is only fending off foreign manipulations to undermine its sovereignty. I wish other major powers had China's peace-loving genes. If any country qualifies as a war-monger, it is not China. China's hands are Confucian and squeaky-clean. America's are dripping with blood. The hypocrisy is hard to swallow. The Gaza massacre has discredited the trumped-up case against China. Next to Netanyahu, China's restraint against non-stop provocations verges on that of a sage, if not a saint.
The views do not necessarily reflect those of DotDotNews.
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