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Opinion | The Tyranny of Political Correctness: Misgoverned Canada goes downhill
Philip Yeung
2024.02.03 11:16

By Philip Yeung, university teacher

Politicians and pundits in the West never tire of calling China a repressive society. But what if I told you that there is another form of repression far more tyrannical in how it operates. It is called political correctness, or wokeness. What is being woke? It is liberalism gone loony. Case in point, LGBTQ values have become aggressively mainstream in Canada. The prevailing climate of opinion sucks the oxygen out of freedom of expression on this matter.

Canada is a woke country. There, it is political suicide to be on the wrong side of the issue. I am all for the protection of minority rights, being ethnic myself. But sadly, no politician or political candidate dare to defy political correctness. In its most vicious form, it piggybacks on two previously marginalized minorities: drug addicts and LGBTQ members. Both used to face criminal consequences. But now, they are pampered.

Political correctness dictates that drug addicts be treated humanely. Nothing wrong with that. But it means allowing them to squatter in downtown streets, where they pester pedestrians for handouts, or resort to robbery to feed their habit, terrorizing local shop-keepers and residents. Crime rates have skyrocketed in cities like Vancouver and San Francisco. Drug use is now decriminalized. That is part of political correctness too. But do-good politicians have reckoned without the unintended consequences of decriminalization--an epidemic of street violence fed by an out-of-control epidemic of drug abuse. Soon, the rights of drug addicts trump the well-being of those who live a clean and constructive life. Pandering politicians oppose relocating addicts to treatment centers where they don't need to beg, rob or shoplift to feed their needs, as they can reliably receive their daily dose legally. But involuntary relocation is panned as inhumane treatment. So they stay put and colonize the streets. Predictably, downtown Vancouver and San Francisco have become drug-user colonies and no-go areas. The freedom of drug addicts, however, is not free. Others must pay for their rent-free tenancy of the streets. How is this fair to taxpayers, tourists, home-owners and shop-owners in the trash-filled streets that smell of urine? This inglorious piece of misgovernance stinks to high heavens.

Tyranny of the minority comes even thicker from the thin-skinned LGBTQ community. Don't get me wrong. I am all for the protection for the rights of gender minorities. But protection is one thing, active promotion of their values is another. When protection becomes evangelical, it ceases to be just. It inflicts injustice on others. How do you justify brainwashing little kids with gender education without parental consent? Any way you slice it, LGBTQ is by definition a biological aberration. Its queer-sounding acronym says it all. Granted, many of its members are gifted artists and writers whose achievements deserve to be celebrated. But preaching LGBTQ values is a red line that must never be crossed without explicit majority approval. You don't preach tolerance by being intolerant. Politicians cowed into silence are cowards. In Canada, you have the queer situation (no pun intended) of the vocal minority dictating to a silent majority. It has become a thuggish orthodoxy. Shielding the previously vulnerable is now a cult that demands conversion. I never hate people. But I hate intolerance and irrationality. Don't ever lecture China again with your false sense of moral superiority.

Politicians kowtow to gender equality for their own political survival. The LGBTQ is a tight-knit community: united, vocal and efficiently organized. Outmatched and out-organized, politicians cross them at their own peril. That Canada officially pampers the LGBTQ community is an indisputable fact, with its parliament proudly flying the Rainbow flag. Gender minority members are warned to be careful when entering the US, a country far less hospitable to sexual minorities.

But in Canada, I dare you to voice a view unfriendly to the Rainbow Coalition. You will have no place to hide. You will be hounded. Its touted freedom is a mirage. There are unwritten taboos. You break them, you instantly become a non-person.

Loony Liberalism is the milk mother that has breastfed Trumpism. It exists as a perversion against the woke movement. If you buy into the freedom of expression myth in Canada, the in-your-face moral police will give you a rude awakening, especially on Gay Pride Day with marchers over half a million strong. Give me old-fashioned Confucian values any day. I like my life regular and uncomplicated. I neither need your sermons nor your moral arrogance. I believe in "live and let live"--- for LGBTQ and for me. If you respect individual freedom, then stop shoving your values down people's throat, politically correct or otherwise.


The views do not necessarily reflect those of DotDotNews.

Read more articles by Philip Yeung:

Opinion | How to explain Donald Trump, an American Hitler in the Making

Opinion | What kind of people are the Chinese?

Tag:·opinion· Philip Yeung· Canada· rights· political correctness· intolerance· irrarionality


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