"Hong Kong National Security Law does distinguish between actions and words. In that sense, freedoms of expression as well as other freedoms are very well preserved," says Jiangyu Wang, Professor of Law from City University of HK, and Director of Center for Chinese and Comparative Law. "But we have to see how the law is actually enforced by HK police."
In a webinar hosted by the City University of HK recently, prominent professors of law share their insights on the heated discussion and disputes on HK National Security Law. Besides Wong, among them are Grenville Cross, Senior Counsel and Former Director of Public Prosecutions of HKSAR, and Anthony Carty, Professor of International Law from Beijing Institute of Technology.
Watch the video to find out more details.
在日前香港城市大學舉辦的網絡論壇上,3位權威人士就香港國安法引發的討論分享他們的解讀和見解。他們是香港前刑事檢控專員江樂士、香港城市大學法學院教授王江雨、北京科技大學法學院教授Anthony Carty。想知道更多細節?請去片。