Smart Talk | Dialogue with Grenville Cross & Oscar Kwok: Is National Security Law the perfect solution to settle unrest?
Many people from all walks of life in Hong Kong show warm welcome to the enactment of National Security Law because it has the potential to restore peace, stability and prosperity to the city. But is the new legislation a perfect solution to settle the unrest? DotDotNews invites two guests with much expertise and experience in their realms: Grenville Cross, who is a Senior Counsel, Law Professor and former Director of Public Prosecutions, together with Oscar KWOK Yam-shu, Deputy Commissioner of HK Police Force. This episode is hosted by Eunice YUNG Hoi-yan, a legislative councillor and barrister.
They have an in-depth discussion over several issues. How to protect the judiciary and uphold the rule of law? How to address public misunderstanding upon NSL? How to deal with people who want to test the limits of the law? Check out the video to see their insights.
以言會友 | 對話江樂士和「二哥」:國安法能有效平復社會風波嗎?