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Govt to encourage international traditional Chinese medicine events held in HK: CE
Hong Kong
2024.11.21 12:50

Chief Executive John Lee delivered a video address at the inaugural Bauhinia International Traditional Chinese Medicine Summit 2024 today (Nov. 21).

He stated that the Hong Kong SAR government will fund and encourage more international traditional Chinese medicine events to be held in Hong Kong, which helps to promote the flow of knowledge and talent in international traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and support the industry's development

He said that the government will also promote international research collaboration on the interactions between Chinese and Western medicines, aiming to establish internationally recognized clinical guidelines for their use and encouraging more countries to integrate TCM services into their healthcare systems.

He also mentioned that Hong Kong's first Chinese medicine hospital will begin phased operations by the end of next year. As a flagship institution for local TCM, the Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Hospital will play a crucial pioneering and platform role in promoting international research while exploring the "Hong Kong model" for clinical services that integrate TCM and Western medicine, establishing exemplary service standards for international outreach.

He elaborated that Hong Kong will announce a Chinese Medicine Development Blueprint Subcommittee next year. The task force responsible for the Blueprint is currently engaged in in-depth discussions on its key areas, with innovation and internationalization in TCM being significant chapters. The government will continue to maintain close ties with stakeholders both locally and abroad, building consensus and collaborating with various sectors to shape a vision and strategy for the future development of TCM in Hong Kong.


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Tag:·Bauhinia International Traditional Chinese Medicine Summit 2024· TCM· Chinese Medicine Development Blueprint Subcommittee· John Lee


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