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Caricature: Sentencing moment
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2024.11.20 08:33

The Court of First Instance of the High Court today (Nov. 19) handed down sentences to the 45 convicted defendants in a case of conspiracy to commit subversion. Amongst all, a starting point of 15 years' imprisonment was adopted for the principal offender Tai Yiu-ting.

The court's judgment pointed out that Tai Yiu-ting was not only the initiator of the project, but also the organizer of the illegal "primary election" and the main planner behind it, and could be classified as a principal offender.

After careful consideration of his role in the case, the court found that 15 years' imprisonment was appropriate. For Tai, the only mitigating factor in the case was an early guilty plea, which is usually reduced by one-third, and he was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

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Tag:·Caricature·Tai Yiu-ting·45 convicted defendants·conspiracy to commit subversion·primary election·Benny Tai


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