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Cold snap hits Shenzhen: Low temperature expected to be 18℃ on Saturday
2024.11.05 11:09
Shenzhen will experience the effects of a mild cold air mass starting today (Nov. 5). (Internet)

According to the Meteorological Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality, Shenzhen will experience the effects of a mild cold air mass starting today (Nov. 5).

From Wednesday (Nov. 6), for four consecutive days, the city will see clear and dry weather with a gradual daily decrease in temperature. On Nov. 6, coastal areas, highlands, and maritime zones will experience gusts of approximately force 7. From Nov. 7 to 9 (Thursday to Saturday), the lowest temperatures will hover around 18°C, with significant temperature differences between day and night. From Nov.10 to 11 (Sunday to Monday), cloud cover will increase, bringing occasional light rain.

The Shenzhen Municipal Committee advises that the mild cold air will begin affecting the city from today, increasing cloud cover and slightly lowering temperatures tomorrow, with stronger winds and cooler mornings and evenings. Residents are urged to take windproof measures. Due to ongoing dry conditions, a yellow warning for forest fire risk is in effect in Shenzhen. The public should be cautious with fire and electricity use.


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Tag:·Shenzhen Municipal Committee· yellow warning for forest fire risk· windproof measures· Meteorological Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality


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