Today (Nov. 1) marks the official launch of the renewal platform for the Top Talent Pass Scheme, announced by the Labor and Welfare Bureau together with the Immigration Department.
Visa holders can now apply for renewals three months before expiration, an improvement over the previous four-week policy, providing applicants with ample time to process their applications.
Chris Sun, the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, stated that it is currently impossible to estimate how many approved talents will secure renewals, with figures to be disclosed in the second half of next year. The Assistant Director of Immigration (Visa and Policy), Yung Wing-ching, expects that renewal applications will be processed before the visas expire.
The authorities have also outlined renewal conditions under four specific scenarios. Generally, applicants need to be employed in Hong Kong with a stable income, and the job should typically require a degree holder with compensation that meets market standards.
For applicants whose income primarily comes from commissions, such as insurance brokers, the Immigration Department will consider past income levels, job benefits (such as taxes paid), and the duration of the applicant's stay in Hong Kong during the renewal assessment.
For those who have started businesses in Hong Kong, the Immigration Department will evaluate the business's operations and development, such as turnover, investment, and the number of local positions created. They will also assess the economic impact of the business, including taxes paid, to ensure it is not merely a "shell company."
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