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Beer can artwork mistakenly thrown as trash by Dutch museum staff

A piece of artwork that looks like two empty beer cans. (Internet)

A piece of artwork that looks like two empty beer cans was mistakenly thrown into rubbish bin by a staff member at a Dutch museum. The artwork has now been recovered.

A piece of artwork that looks like two empty beer cans. (Internet)

The artwork, entitled All The Good Times We Spent Together, was created by French artist Alexandre Lavet. While they might at first glance appear as two discarded and dented beer tins, a closer look reveals meticulously hand-painted designs, which requires a lot of time and effort to create.

The artwork was on display inside an elevator at the LAM Museum, located in Lisse, in the western part of the Netherlands. It was mistakenly discarded by museum staff, who failed to recognize it as part of the exhibition.

The incident went unnoticed until the museum's director returned from a short break and realized the artwork was missing. Fortunately, the two cans were finally recovered from a trash bag just in the nick of time as they were about to be thrown out.

LAM Museum spokesperson said that the museum often leaves artworks in unusual places to "surprise the visitor all the time."

However, following this incident, the artwork has been relocated to a traditional place on a plinth to prevent future misunderstandings.


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