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Foreign media: Russia proposes legislation to ban childfree advocacy

Russia proposes legislation to ban childfree advocacy. (WSJ)

Foreign reports indicate that the Russian government is drafting legislation to ban the promotion of childlessness, with penalties up to RUB$400,000 for individuals and RUB$800,000 for public officials.

The proposal, which has principle support from the government, aims to prohibit the advocacy of childfree ideology, in an effort to uphold and strengthen traditional family values. The draft law includes protective measures to prevent the spread of anti-procreation messages through the internet, media, films, and advertisements.

The Russian government also suggests that the details of the bill need to be clarified, particularly the definition of "refusal to procreate," to avoid misclassifying discussions about reproductive choices related to religious beliefs, health issues, or circumstances of sexual assault as advocacy of childfree ideology.


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