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Heavy rain in Ishikawa, Japan raises the death toll to 6

In Japan's Ishikawa Prefecture, unprecedented rainfall has resulted in six deaths, while ten people are still missing, according to local media. (AP)

In Japan's Ishikawa Prefecture, unprecedented rainfall has resulted in six deaths, while ten people are still missing, according to local media.

Two people, one in Noto Town and one in Suzu City, were swept away by a river and their whereabouts remained unknown, according to public broadcaster NHK, citing information from local police.

There are eight others whose safety is unconfirmed, bringing the number of people unaccounted for to 10, the report added.

Japan's weather agency on Sunday morning downgraded its heavy rain emergency warning for parts of Ishikawa Prefecture to a warning, but authorities called for continued vigilance against possible floods and landslides.


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