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EDB expands Study Subsidy Scheme, enhancing vocational education pathways

The Education Bureau (EDB) announced today (Sept. 10) that the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP) will subsidize a total of 4,916 places in 55 undergraduate program. (File Photo)

The Education Bureau (EDB) announced today (Sept. 10) that the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP) will subsidize a total of 4,916 places in 55 undergraduate programs, covering 3,365 places in 55 first-year-first-degree (FYFD) programs and 1,551 places in 44 top-up degree (TUD) programs of eight post-secondary institutions for the cohort to be admitted in the 2025/26 academic year.

The programs of the SSSDP fall under 10 disciplines that have been identified as having keen manpower demand, namely architecture and engineering, computer science, creative industries, financial technology, healthcare, insurance, logistics, sports and recreation, testing and certification, and tourism and hospitality.

The programs include the eight applied degrees introduced under the Pilot Project on the Development of Applied Degree Programmes, which will receive additional subsidies to further strengthen the vocational and professional education and training progression pathway at the post-secondary level.

The programs and numbers of subsidized places under the SSSDP are determined by the EDB in consultation with relevant policy bureaux and departments. Details of the participating institutions, the programs and the numbers of subsidized places are listed in the Annex. The EDB will continue to work together with relevant policy bureaux and departments to explore covering more suitable programs in the SSSDP.

The annual subsidy amount for laboratory-based programs in the 2025/26 academic year will be increased from $79,770 in the 2024/25 academic year to $81,450, while that for non-laboratory-based programs will be increased from $45,810 to $46,780 in accordance with the movement of the Composite Consumer Price Index. For applied degree programs, with the additional annual subsidies, the total annual subsidy amounts will be adjusted upward from $87,770 to $89,620 for laboratory-based applied degree programs and from $50,810 to $51,880 for non-laboratory-based applied degree programs.

The adjusted subsidy amounts are applicable to both new and continuing eligible students. The subsidy is tenable for the normal duration of the programs concerned. Subsidized students will pay a tuition fee with the subsidy applied. Students in need may still apply for student financial assistance from the Student Finance Office of the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency in respect of the actual amount of tuition fee payable.


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