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ICAC: Former Principal Manager of AAHK admits HK$3.3 mn bribery and money-laundering

(CNS File Photo)

Following enforcement actions earlier taken by the ICAC in Operation "Blizzard", a number of persons were arrested and charged in separate cases for suspected corruption in relation to the Three-Runway System Project (3RS Project) of the Hong Kong International Airport.

The total bribe money involved in the cases amounted to around HK$7.7 million, concerning works sub-contracts and materials purchase orders worth over HK$280 million in total.

Among the persons charged by the ICAC, a former Principal Manager of the Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) today (Sept. 5) admitted at the District Court that he had accepted bribes of about HK$3.3 million and laundered crime proceeds totaling about HK$5.7 million.

Ricky Lee Wing-fai, 49, former Principal Manager of the AAHK, pleaded guilty to two counts of conspiracy for a public servant to accept advantages, contrary to section 4(2)(a) of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance and section 159A of the Crimes Ordinance; and six counts of dealing with property known or believed to represent proceeds of an indictable offense (commonly known as money-laundering), contrary to section 25(1) of the Organized and Serious Crimes Ordinance. Another money-laundering offense against him was left on the court file.

Judge Mr Eddie Yip Chor-man adjourned the case to September 12 for mention. Lee was remanded in the custody of the Correctional Services Department.

The aforesaid offenses took place between January 2017 and August 2022. The court heard that in January 2017, Lee joined the AAHK as a Senior Project Engineer. He was promoted to Principal Manager in May 2022. At the material time, he was responsible for managing various works contracts of the 3RS Project, including those for the main reclamation and the new runway. Lee was also authorized to recommend subcontractors to contractors.

Regarding one of the corruption charges, Lee admitted that he had accepted bribes totaling about HK$2.5 million from the proprietor of a civil engineering and foundation projects subcontractor for assisting the subcontractor to be favored by the main reclamation works contractor of the 3RS Project, and securing a subcontract. The subcontractor had accepted payments totaling about HK$8.3 million in relation to the relevant subcontract.

Lee was also found to have recommended the subcontractor to the main contractor of one of the new runway projects. The subcontractor was awarded subcontracts worth HK$28 million, which were eventually terminated by the main contractor after the ICAC investigation turned over.

For another corruption charge, Lee admitted that he had accepted bribes of HK$800,000 from the operators of a supplier of sand for reclamation works for assisting the supplier in securing purchase orders for the main reclamation works and assisting the supplier in demanding payments from the main reclamation works contractor. Investigation revealed that upon the recommendation by Lee, purchase orders worth over HK$140 million were placed with the supplier during the abovementioned period.

Lee also admitted that he had laundered crime proceeds totaling about HK$5.7 million, including the abovementioned bribes.


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