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HKO: No.1 signal might be issued tomorrow afternoon

The Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) has reported that the Tropical Storm Yagi has moved towards northern Luzon and has intensified over the past few hours. The Observatory is considering issuing a No. 1 signal tomorrow afternoon to evening (Sept. 3).

According to current forecast paths, Yagi will enter within 800 kilometers of Hong Kong tomorrow and is expected to approach the southern coast of China. There is a significant chance that it will move towards western Guangdong and Hainan Island, possibly strengthening further.

As a result of Yagi's influence, weather conditions along the southern coast of China are expected to become increasingly unstable in the middle to the latter part of this week, with strong winds and rough seas.

The forecast for the next couple of days indicates continued hot weather, with occasional thunderstorms. Additionally, the HKO advises residents to stay hydrated during the ongoing high temperatures and to seek rest or medical assistance if they feel unwell.


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