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Love yourself! These signs indicate you may feel run-down

These signs may indicate you feel run-down.

1. Sensory overload

If a usually gentle person finds he/she becomes very irritable when the environment around him/her gets a little noisy, or a little problem provokes him/her, he/she is probably suffering from sensory overload. It is a reminder that you are too tired and need to rest.

2. Cognitive decline

When people are particularly tired, their cognitive ability will also decline. For example, the processing of information becomes worse, it's difficult to understand other people's words, reading long sentences is also difficult, in the supermarket close to the shelves can not see the price, memory deterioration, it is difficult to concentrate...

All of these may be because you are in a prolonged period of stress and pressure, and the brain is sending out distress signals.

3. Appetite changes

Some people will lose their appetite when they are in a very bad mental state.

Some people are usually particular food lovers, but they can't be interested in facing a bunch of favorite foods, or some people may overeat when they are under stress. This change in eating habits should also be noted.

4. Sleep problems

Whether you suffer from insomnia or reduced sleep quality, or you oversleep and still feel tired after waking up, it may be related to a poor mental state.

5. Unusual sensitivity

If a person cries for no specific reason, and becomes very sensitive and vulnerable, it is best to take this situation seriously.

6. Lack of motivation

One will find all kinds of reasons to cancel plans, don't want to do anything, don't want to see anyone, have no interest in anything, always have low energy, low mood, tired after walking a few steps, sometimes can't even sit down, just want to lie down. Even if you have time, you can't do anything. That feeling, it's not like laziness, it's like a loss of motivation.

7. Behavior of avoidance

If the stress and fatigue accumulate to a certain extent, some people will tend to use escapism to ease the pressure. Such as excessive use of electronic devices, addiction to the network, not going out for a long time, refusing to socialize and so on.

8. Being dazed and absent-minded

When people feel fatigued, they sometimes stare at monotonous actions and lose their concentration, such as staring blankly at the running water of the tap or staring out of the window for a long period without moving, which is the time to remind themselves to take a break.

9. Physical symptoms or illnesses

Chronic stress and fatigue can also be reflected in the body, such as having a constant feeling of fatigue that is difficult to recover from even after resting, muscle aches and pains or tension, especially in the neck and shoulders; and in severe cases, it may also trigger or aggravate physical ailments, such as headaches, digestive problems, and so on.

10. Decline in sense of self-worth

When a person is very tired and in a poor mental state, his or her self-worth decreases, and sometimes he or she feels incompetent or unable to do anything well, and feels frustrated about it.


8 tips to relieve tiredness

1. Accept your tiredness

You don't need to rush to make changes, allow yourself that you will feel tired and stop attacking yourself.

2. Make fewer decisions

Modern people make countless decisions every day, and too many choices can damage our mental energy and self-control.

3. Develop quality relationships

High-quality relationships are always the best "chargers", find friends you like and trust to talk to and hug, you will be much better off.

4. Go to a place where you can refresh

For example, a park near your home, or a corner of a cafe that you really enjoy.

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5. Find out what drains you and what increases your energy

This way you can learn more and more about yourself and then become more comfortable regulating your emotions.

6. Do a small thing that you find difficult but beneficial

Sometimes we feel tired because we are afraid of the difficulty, and success can increase confidence and energy. For example, trying to run a few kilometers.

7. Stop doing things you don't really want to do

When a person over-drives themselves, it can be a huge drain on their cognitive resources and they may end up being more reluctant to act.

8. Take a real break

True rest is not just lying down. As one netizen said, there are "stored rest" and "released rest". "Stored rest" is rest to store up energy and vitality, such as a good night's sleep; The "released rest" is to release the accumulated depression and pressure by doing something you like, so taking time to do something you like is also rest.

May you who often work hard and always struggle, also learn to rest and learn to love yourself better.


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