Maximum 5,000 bookings made per day for Northbound Travel for HK Vehicles
Since the implementation of the Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles (the Scheme) in July 2023, it has been well received by Hong Kong citizens.
The Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Lam Sai-hung responded in writing today (July 17) to a question raised by the Hon Leung Man-kwong that as at July 1, 2024, the TD issued a total of about 71,000 closed road permits (CRPs) to vehicles approved under the Scheme. Among such CRPs, about 65,000 are currently valid.
To implement the Scheme in an orderly manner, the governments of Guangdong and Hong Kong agreed to set up for the Scheme an online travel booking system, through which bookings for travel can be made by vehicles issued with a CRP and an electronic vehicle license from the Mainland authorities. Taking the period from January to June 2024 as an example, the daily average travel booking number was about 1,900, and the highest daily travel booking number was about 5,000 recorded on March 29, 2024 (Friday). The existing arrangement of the Scheme is sufficient for meeting the relevant travel needs. As the booking system undergoes enhancements and modifications from time to time, the TD currently does not have more representative statistical data on the utilization rate of the quota of bookings. We will continue to monitor closely the travel situation under the Scheme, and keep enhancing the arrangement in a timely manner.
To ensure smooth implementation of the Scheme, the governments of Guangdong and Hong Kong agreed that applicants are required to reserve the specified date and time for traveling of vehicles with the system. Once the applications for booking or cancellations of booking are received, it will take time for the TD to consolidate relevant information for transferring to the computer systems of Hong Kong and Mainland port authorities, so that the relevant authorities will know whether bookings have been made for vehicles under the system to pass through the ports. To allow greater flexibility in travel arrangements, the TD enhanced the booking arrangements since February 2024 by shortening the periods required for travel booking and cancellation of booking, from no less than two and three calendar days respectively to at or before noon on one calendar day before departure. The TD will continue to closely monitor the booking situation of applicants under the Scheme in collaboration with relevant authorities of Hong Kong and the Mainland, and through maintaining close communication with them, implement enhancement measures in a timely manner, with a view to providing citizens with better convenience and travel experience.