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Opinion | Donald Trump, a man who seizes the moment

By Tom Fowdy

The world has been rocked by an attempted assassination of Donald Trump. The former President, running again by office, was targeted by a 20-year-old man while undertaking a rally in Pennsylvania, later revealed as Thomas Matthew Crooks, his motivations are not yet known. By a stroke of sheer luck, Crooks missed his target by a mere inch and grazed Trump by the ear, instead killing a member of the audience. The Secret Service neutralized the attacker but is now facing severe scrutiny over the lapse in security that allowed him to climb onto a rooftop and fire in open range. The fact this attempt was so close to succeeding is far too close for comfort, which in and of itself makes it terrifying to contemplate what may have happened.

However, it did not, and instead, Donald Trump came out from the event embattled and with a triumphant feeling about him. At the height of the moment, his face covered in blood, the tycoon raised his arm into the air to emulate a pulse of confidence in what is now likely to become one of the most famous photos of the 21st century. Photographs tell stories and define legacies. For example, the photo of Kennedy smiling from the open-topped car in Dallas just seconds before his demise is one such photo, while the photo of six US marines raising the flag on Mount Suribachi in the Pacific in World War II is another. The photographer, either avertedly or invertedly, captures not just a scene in front of him, but a moment that becomes definitive of history itself.

To that end, what this now "iconic" image of the moment of the failed assassination stands to tell us, is that whether it be by brute luck or the sheer audaciousness of his persona, is that Donald Trump is a far more impactful figure than his detractors would ever give him credit for being. It depicts a narrative of his own stoicism and strong spirit, thus reflecting on how his political style and personality manifest confidence that seems to brush off every single challenge that is hurled his way. To put it bluntly, it seems impossible to break the will of Donald Trump because he simply does not care. He has faced multiple impeachment proceedings, criminal prosecutions, a media, and political class who, rightly or wrongly, loathe him to the extreme, and even an attempt on his life.

But does it phase him? Nope. It just seems incalculable that any other human being could brush off what he has been through so readily and not shift an inch, whether it be through a loss of confidence, remorse, or a diminishing of self-esteem, and believe me through my media career I have experienced all those things and it is horrible to face up against so many people who hate you spontaneously. Yet Trump appears to have mastered the psychological principle that even when it feels so many people are against you, you do not give them an inch nor show any manifestation of weakness, compromise, or doubt. While I understand that in theory, to do it in practice is truly something else.

While of course his critics will argue that is easy for him to do given the privileged and relatively elite life he has led, quick to write off his business success, I would state to the contrary that Trump has always been a masterclass in public relations whether you love him or hate him. When he sees his moment, he seizes it, he aims and he often does not miss. The fact that he is still a thing and came back from oblivion following the aftermath of the 2021 Capitol Attack is a testament to his own durability and the effort to continually reinvent himself, and it goes to show if you think like he does, then nothing can truly hold you back.

Of course, beyond individual personalities, many will rightfully argue this tells you a story about the state of US politics too. How is it possible that a man like this can single-handedly be so effective? Or how the rules of the system are being gradually ripped up into an intense and very personal conflict? Trump has not only recognized this political climate, but he has exploited it to the maximum and thrives precisely because he is the lead character, the center of all attention and gravity who has managed to shape the entire American political gambit around himself. Because of the drama he subsequently creates and thrives upon, it is thus easy to state he is incredibly lucky, and of course, given the flow of events he was "lucky" so to speak, but that can scarcely be the gist of it all.

Now, amidst the turmoil that Joe Biden finds himself in and his lack of personal qualities, for many people, this election might be a done deal already, but we can never be so sure. History remains fraught with such grave unpredictability, with sudden twists and turns defining everything. We may have thought Trump was yesterday's man, but a calamitous debate performance by Biden and then an assassination attempt on Trump that has immortalised his sense of resilience came from nowhere. Yet, who otherwise knows what might come next? Either way, it seems for sure the Republican Frontrunner will have a way of making himself known. This is an election either way which will be definitive for world history.


The author is a well-seasoned writer and analyst with a large portfolio related to China topics, especially in the field of politics, international relations and more. He graduated with an Msc. in Chinese Studies from Oxford University in 2018.

The views do not necessarily reflect those of DotDotNews.

Read more articles by Tom Fowdy:

Opinion | 5 years on, the attack on the Hong Kong Legislative Council would be tolerated nowhere else

Opinion | Can the UK reset its ties with China

Opinion | Broken Britain, the end of 14 years of Conservative government

Opinion | Facing the reality of a potential Trump return


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