CE: HK$200 coupons to be distributed to travelers from 8 mainland cities
Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) to distribute HK$200 coupons to Individual Visit Scheme (IVS) travelers from 8 cities (Taiyuan, Hohhot, Harbi, Lhasa, Lanzhou, Xining, Yinchua, and Urumqi), said John Lee at a press conference before attending the Executive Council meeting today (May 14).
He said the addition of the eight cities under the IVS has multiple significance. "Firstly, it will add tremendous economic impetus to HK; secondly, it will further expand the coverage of the IVS; thirdly, it will further increase the number of overnight visitors; and fourthly, it will enhance the quality and strength of HK's tourism industry."
Lee pointed out that the HKTB will distribute HK$200 coupons to Individual Visit Scheme (IVS) travelers from the eight new cities for them to spend at a wide range of restaurants and stores.
There were more than 100 events in HK in the first half of the year, and the government will soon announce the list of events for the second half of the year, allowing business operators in different sectors to make early preparations and seize the business opportunities brought by the events, he added.