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Membership lists of 'the three committees' announced

The Government identifies suitable persons who aspire to serve the community via various channels to join "the three committees" on the basis of the merit of the individuals concerned. (DotDotNews)

The Government announced today (April 1) that the Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs had respectively appointed 1,937 persons, 536 persons and 526 persons as members of the Area Committees, the District Fight Crime Committees and the District Fire Safety Committees (collectively referred as "the three committees") for a new term of office of two years starting from April 1, 2024.

The Government identifies suitable persons who aspire to serve the community via various channels to join "the three committees" on the basis of the merit of the individuals concerned, taking into account various factors, including a candidate's ability, expertise, experience, integrity, commitment to serving the community, as well as with due regard to the functions of "the three committees".

Under the improved district governance system and the reformed District Councils, the cooperation between the District Councils and "the three committees" is much closer. In this regard, the Government appoints all incumbent members of the District Councils to be members of "the three committees" with a view to strengthening the connection and collaboration between "the three committees" and the District Councils.

The membership lists of "the three committees" in 18 districts have been uploaded to the website of the Home Affairs Department (www.had.gov.hk/en/18_districts/my_map.htm).


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