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LegCo passes second reading of national security bill

Hong Kong's Legislative Council on Tuesday (March 19) passed the second reading of Safeguarding National Security Ordinance. (DotDotNews)

Hong Kong's Legislative Council (LegCo) on Tuesday (March 19) passed the second reading of Safeguarding National Security Ordinance.

A total of 88 lawmakers spoke at a special session that lasted more than six hours, with most of them limiting their speeches to five minutes. All of them expressed support for the legislation.

Secretary for Security Chris Tang thanked lawmakers for their hard work in scrutinizing the bill.

He said the bill, once enacted, would be an effective response to national security situations that Hong Kong may face in the future.

Lawmakers then began considering 91 amendments to the bill proposed by the government. Upon the completion of the scrutiny of the amendments, they will proceed to the third reading.


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