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Home and Youth Affairs Bureau launches new round of Funding Scheme for International Youth Exchange

The Home and Youth Affairs Bureau (HYAB) and the Youth Development Commission (YDC) jointly launched the Funding Scheme for International Youth Exchange 2024-25 today (Dec. 5). Eligible non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are invited to submit applications. (YDC)

The Home and Youth Affairs Bureau (HYAB) and the Youth Development Commission (YDC) jointly launched the Funding Scheme for International Youth Exchange 2024-25 today (Dec. 5). Eligible non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are invited to submit applications.

The Government attaches great importance to youth development. The HYAB promulgated the Youth Development Blueprint in end-2022, which states that the Government will further strengthen the breadth and depth of the Mainland and international internship and exchange programs with a view to enhancing young people's understanding of the development of the country and the world. Through the Funding Scheme for International Youth Exchange, the HYAB and the YDC provide funding for NGOs to organize international exchange projects for Hong Kong young people so as to broaden their global exposure and their understanding of the history, culture and the latest developments of different places. The funding scheme also covers exchange projects to the regions along the Belt and Road to promote cultural exchanges and foster people-to-people bonds.

Details and application forms of the new round of the funding scheme are available on the YDC website (www.ydc.gov.hk/en/programmes/ep/ep_fundingschemeinternational.html). Interested NGOs should submit their applications by 5 pm on Jan. 5, 2024.


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